Egil claimed property that had belonged to Bjorn Yeoman, lands and chattels. Then Egil took his weapons and clothes and rode home, reaching Borg by eventide. Sigtrygg and Hallvard were with him: they had heard what Thorolf had done at their house on Hising, what scathe he had wrought on men and property. ', Harek said: 'That was to be looked for, because on that banquet most was spent; and thou, O king, hadst great luck in matters so turning out that thy life was not endangered. ', Arinbjorn said that he did not desire this. 'For generous prince His house-carles he had on his own ship, which was excellently equipt; he had also with him many landowners' sons. But on the appointed day Thorstein made him ready to go: it wanted then four weeks of winter. He said that he thought the cause which Steinar came, about the slaying of his thralls, was little worth; Steinar's thralls, he argued, had done enough to deserve death. There are also poems which show a much softer side to the Icelandic male characters. The door-keepers at once opened the door. Croak hoarse the joying raven, Sword-edges clashed: It happened one day that, as Thorolf and Bjorn were going down to the ship, they saw that Eric, the king's son, was there; he went now out on to the ship, now up to the land, and stood there looking at the ship. In this booth were no men. His one last wish was to travel to the Althing and toss silver he received from King thelstan for the people to fight over. Now this is my counsel, O king, that we two brothers ride at once forward this very night with our troop. Spreads banquet for the wolf: Now will I, Eyvind, that thou go north to Halogaland. From arm beset with rings, To wolves flesh-banquet gave. Sigridr asked if the sons of Kari of Berdla were there. With more than 1,700titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Then Eyvind made him ready for the journey, getting a good and suitable ship. The king let the matter rest. So may I high-standing, Egil said he should before long do Thorolf more harm and mischief if he would not take him away. I to men were fain The household was numerous. ', The end was that the king promised them before they parted that Thorolf should be in peace with him. E. R. Eddison . They then lay drifting, letting the ship ride free for some nights. On his liegeman true. His reactions are usually on a grand scale to the point where they are often outrageous and entertaining. After this they were silent awhile. Then said Bjorn to Thorolf: 'The king's son admires the ship much; do you offer it to him as a present, for I know it will much help us with the king if Eric be our pleader with him. Thorir did not deny that he had heard so. Praise to honoured king: There were lost with Hallvard fifty men in all. Egil came forward with helm on head, and shield before him, and halberd in hand, but his sword Dragvandill he suspended from his right arm. When they met, all went well at the conference. And when Egil heard of the fall of Arinbjorn, then he sang: 'Mead-givers, glorious men, Thus the ships were parted. Eric on the wave North of the heath stood a town. I will now have Egil in keeping for the night. There was a great slaughter, the townsmen falling one upon another. Hither the earl to seek Helga, the master's daughter, was now on her feet, and whole of her ailment. Arinbjorn saluted the king; the king received him well. Leifur Eirksson . Now must ye two go after their party and slay them all, and let none bear this slander before the king. Web | The saga makes note of the death of Skallagrim, Egill's father.[18]. This news they carried to Bergonund. And the end of this matter was that Thorir took atonement for Bjorn, because he saw that it had come to this now that Bjorn had nothing to fear. So she and her friends saw it to be the best plan that she should be betrothed to Thorolf, unless that were against her father's mind. Egill composed a poem in his honor. This thou mightest know before, that thou wouldst get no terms from me. The ship and the wealth that was in it Skallagrim's men took. All landowners were to be his tenants, as also all that worked in the forest, salt-burners, hunters and fishers by land and sea, all these owed him duty. But when they were now far advanced over the main, Kveldulf's sickness grew worse. Water was brought to her. I would make answer to this proposal, if you should plead this errand; but here to this other I can make none. Which when Bergonund saw, he quickened his pace and cast his shield before him, and ere they met each hurled his halberd at the other. And when he came home, Asgerdr put the robe in the chest where it was before. He had become a liege-man of the king, and was made a baron. Skallagrim was very sharp-sighted. Ljot went out beyond the boundary stones far into the field. "', Armod struck the girl, and bade her hold her tongue: 'You are always,' said he, 'saying what least suits.'. Thord Grani's son was then twenty years old; he was very strong. Then Egil sang a stave: 'Dauntless the doughty champion . They smote fast and hard, and full soon their shields were becoming useless. ', Gunnhilda said: 'Why shall not Egil be slain at once? Thorstein explained his cause, and produced witnesses that he was rightful owner of all that inheritance which he claimed. Rained from the eagle's beak In his twelfth winter he was often at games. Then the messengers went home, and Thorstein appeared well pleased with their journey. So they went back and told the king of their journey, and that Grim and his comrades would now have got clear over the lake. When thickens the fight First he went inwards along the Borgar-firth to its head; then followed the west bank of the river, which he called White-river, because he and his companions had never before seen waters that fell out of glaciers, and the colour of the river seemed to them wonderful. Ljot's death was little mourned, for he had been a turbulent bully. Egil in a company of ten or twelve went to Thorstein's, and remained there for the winter an honoured guest. Of avarice thievish It chanced in the autumn, shortly before winter, that Thord rode in to Borg to find Egil his kinsman; and he bade him to a banquet. Low now this scion royal I know that, if a message of yours be added, I shall get law in this matter. 'More may yet be told, At once the king made for it, and they exchanged words. One of these is in chapter 55 when King thelstan acknowledges the death of Egill's brother, Thorolf's, caused by the King's error in judgement. He has not sought to run away in the night. But when Skallagrim heard of Yngvar's coming, he at once went to meet him and bade him to his house with as many men as he would. ', 'I will be made baron under none,' said Grim, 'while my father lives; he, while he lives, shall be my liege-lord. Thorolf is more than your match, brave and doughty as ye may deem yourselves.'. Of the wild sea-mew, He rode away with Egil, and a hundred fully armed men with him. The king gave leave for this, adding a message and tokens that Thorolf should take all that Bard had given him, showing that the gift was with the counsel of the king, and that he would have it so. 'Twixt my lips the shower. To the wasteful tract Staggered the wordy foeman; But how many men think ye that ye need to take from hence? Procuring companions, they made their way to the earl, and told him of their misadventure. They followed Bjorn so long as he went out roving; but when he settled down in quiet, then these brothers went to Thorolf, and were with him in his harrying; they were forecastle men in his ship. The earl bade Thorolf to a banquet with him, and as many of his men as he would. But when it was bruited about that Olaf king of Scots had won a victory and subdued under him a large part of England, he soon had a much larger army than Athelstan, for many nobles joined him. His son, named Geir, who was then of full age, was with him in the ship. An heritage noble, He went out on to the ship, and outside the tenting; he cut asunder the cables that were on the seaward side; then, hurrying back to land by the bridge, he at once shot out the bridge, and cut the cables that were upon land. When loosening ice-floes broke, So the brothers started with a fair wind, and came in the spring eastwards to Vik and to Tunsberg, and there declared their errand. Then this landowner's son would fain beguile her, but she would not consent. 'I pronounce you,' he said, 'free of debt to me in regard of that whereto you were bound.'. They encountered a fresh head-wind, and rowed night and day, making what progress they could. Then the king had his men's wounds bound up, and thanked them for their valour, and gave them gifts, adding most praise where he thought it most deserved. Egil answered her inquiries. Egil said to his comrades that he would go on his way and abide no longer. Soon after Thorolf went north to Sogn with a goodly company. There are also vivid descriptions of his other fights and friendships, his relationship with his family (highlighted by his jealousy, as well as fondness for his older brother Thorolf), his old age, and the fate of his own son Thorstein (orsteinn, who was baptized once Roman Catholicism came to Iceland) and his children, who had many children of their own. To raise his shield, His son was Brynjolf, who was sole heir to all his father's wealth. Son of Eric and Thora was Thorstein; he was brought up with Arinbjorn, and was now fully grown, though quite young. I should think it had best be a poem of twenty stanzas, and you might recite it to-morrow when we come before the king. But when he heard that freebooters had come to land there, he sent his men to meet them with this errand, to know whether they wished for peace or war. Egil fetched him a blow on the shoulder, but the sword bit not. My stout hammer rings, Arinbjorn had had the robe made to fit Egil's stature. Thy folk due silence keep. But next spring he made him ready for departure with his following. You will be mainly answerable for how your cause goes, if Egil is to be judge therein. On hearing which Thorolf's men sprang to their weapons, for each man's weapons hung above his seat. And when Egil took command of a ship, then Thorfid was his forecastle man. Steinar rode to the Thing also with a numerous company, as did Tongue-Odd, and Einar from Stafar-holt; they roofed their booths. Thorstein mounted the rock: he had in his hand a small axe, and no other weapon. Thorolf's band plundered and burnt the house, then went back down the river to the sea. Skallagrim and Bera had a great many children, but at first they all died. Bjorn and Thorolf, when they came home, went first to Aurland, but afterwards turned their way northwards to visit lord Thorir at his home. ', Egil then went away with his company, and when he came home told Arinbjorn of his journey and of Onund's answer. King Eric went thither. Egil undid the lock. Learn that health abides in ale, [15] Some time later, Asgerd's father Bjorn the Wealthy died in Norway, but she received no inheritance, the entire estate having been claimed by Berg-Onund, married to Gunnhild Bjarnardottir (Asgerd's half-sister). When Thorstein was aware of this, he sent a house-carle to seek Thrand, bidding him tell Thrand the boundary between his land and Steinar's. King Eric ruled over Norway one year after the death of his father king Harold, before Hacon Athelstan's foster-son, another son of Harold, came out of the west from England; and in that same summer Egil Skallagrimsson went to Iceland. From ox-horn I let pour Book: Scudder . The king was now sure that what he had before suspected was true, namely, that earl Arnvid had caused the slaying of the two companies of messengers sent eastwards by him. When they had sat there for a time, then the king drew his sword from the sheath, and took from his arm a gold ring large and good, and placing it upon the sword-point he stood up, and went across the floor, and reached it over the fire to Egil. But when they began to talk together, Thorir begged the king not to take it amiss that he had Egil with him that winter. But the merchant-ship which he brought from Iceland he caused to be moved eastwards to Vik, getting some men there to dispose of the cargo. He took the horn and drank it off; then recited a stave: 'Ale is borne to me, for ale They slew all that came in their way, the same did Skallagrim where he boarded the ship; nor did father and son stay hands till the ship was cleared. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Egil said that he had slain Grim's thralls, also that he had hidden the chests, but where he had hidden them he told no man. And when he had been there a little while, he declared his errand before the king, and said that Egil Skallagrimsson was come there in the land, and thought he had a claim to all that property that had belonged to Ljot the Pale. Mid showering darts sank: Egill composed a poem in his honor. From Thorstein have come numerous descendants; many great men, many poets: they are of the stock of the Myra-men, as are all who sprang from Skallagrim. 'Foemen might not stand This when Thorolf saw, he said that Egil should turn and encounter him, and bade the standard be borne that way; his men he bade hold well together and stand close. [30] His multifaceted nature reflects the extreme qualities of his family, a family of men who are either ugly or astoundingly handsome; a family which includes 'shape-shifters', who become suddenly mad, violent and cruel, though they may at other times be deliberate and wise; a family which neither submits to the will of kings, nor stands in open rebellion. Though money they gather, Egil often engaged in wrestling; he was headstrong and hot-tempered, but all had the sense to teach their sons to give way to Egil. The Best Books to Get Your Finances in Order, Books Based on Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era, Cook a Soul Food Holiday Meal With Rosie Mayes, Apr 26, 2005 Then Thorolf went back to Thorir, and told him what had been done in his journey. Search was made for him round the premises, but nowhere was he found. 'Now will I,' said he, 'go to the sacrifice, but I will not that Egil go thither. Egil had had another son named Gunnar, who had died a short time before. Soon after came Thorolf with a hundred men, and we learnt this, that he meant to take the lives of us two brothers and all our followers, his reason being that thou, O king, hadst handed over to us the business that he wished to have. But when Thorstein came home, he sent next day a house-carle out to Leiru-brook to bid Steinar move house beyond Borgar-hraun, else would he take advantage of this against Steinar when he had more power on his side, 'and you will then,' said he, 'have no choice of migration.' And force him to face me Skallagrim spoke not a word about it then, and thenceforward the matter was kept quiet. He thrust Bard right through the middle with the sword, so that the point went out at the back. 'I would like you,' said he, 'to find out what lies under this request.' But all men had gone weaponless to the Thing, therefore the king attempted no attack. The question was put before the men whether they should go up or not. Forward the king made way. All should be told to a friend. Thorstein bade the boy Grim go into the wood, and not be present at the encounter. Thereafter Thorolf went to his ship, and put it in order. ', Egil said he would risk coming to the Thing all the same: 'There let come what come may to end our matter. Einar said, 'You will gain little by my help, unless more men of honour back you in this cause.' Of my power and rule So Thorstein and Egil separated. Methinks I am of birth and have strength of kinsfolk enough here in the land to win right against Atli the Short. And when they began to exchange words, he asked whence they were, and why they were there, and had such big dogs. Skallagrim knew all about him, and offered him lodging for himself and all his company. On the appointed day the earl had riding-horses sent down to meet them. Egil began his cause thus: he craved the judges to give him lawful judgement in the suit between him and Onund. Steinar was above other men tall and strong, ill-favoured, with a stoop, long in the legs, short in the body. This was in the latter part of the summer: all the pasture south of Hafs-brook had been grazed by then. Thorolf bade his men break up the wainscoting and get gable-beams, and so burst through the planking; and when they got the beams, then as many men as could hold on to it took one beam, and they rammed at the corner with the other beam-end so hard that the clasps flew out, and the walls started asunder, and there was a wide outlet. In warfare madly met.'. He went to yet other banquets there that were prepared for him. He and his rested there themselves and their beasts. To the great spear-lord, ', 'Maybe,' said Egil, 'neither of us will go.'. He spoke on the whole matter with obstinacy, and he and Thorstein had words about it. Egil declares his business, and demands of Onund's sharing of the heritage of Bjorn. He produced tokens and a message from Arinbjorn to the king and also to Egil, that he might be his advocate with the king, so that king Athelstan might send a message from himself to king Hacon, his foster-son, advising that Thorstein should get his inheritance and possessions in Norway. Fain am I full swiftly Skallagrim promised to come. Egil received the request well, and persuaded Thorstein to let him come thither. While staying with Thorir, Egill became attached to Thorir's son Arinbjorn (Arinbjrn risson), an important figure in the saga and Egill's lifelong friend. . Thorolf and his company had a large long-ship well equipt, and went on their way as had been agreed. And the place where they fought is called Battle-hillock. Egil made him ready early next morning to continue his journey, as did his comrades, but at parting Egil gave Alf a fur cloak. He said that Asgerdr daughter of Bjorn, own wife of him Egil, was rightful heiress, born noble, of landed gentry, even of titled family further back. Volume 1 . And when they perceived Thorstein they ran to their weapons, then pursued his party. King Harold Fairhair had subdued Vermaland eastwards as far as Lake Wener. But when they came where it lay, they put in to land. I make a great point of their being well kept at pasture. So he bounded thither over the space between the two divisions. 'Once bare I goodwill I stand of beloved ones Atli the Short was also there. The king answered this well; he said that Thorir might get from him what he would, but it should not have been so had any other man harboured Egil. And so it was that before Thorstein the king put this choice. Of these, one was twelve years old, the other ten, and both were lads of promise. Our northern snows, Then spoke earl Adils, 'Now, methinks, that has come to pass, O king, which I said, that ye would find tricksters in the English. That winter Thorolf went again to Finmark, taking with him about a hundred men. Egil said that Eyvind Skreyja had had the ships, but they had taken them from him. There was a man named Frodi, a kinsman of king Eric, very handsome, young in years, but a man grown. High-soul'd mood of king, Though I do not think that we two shall sit at the drinking when the funeral feast is held.' Egill tries to reclaim property back in Norway (as his wife's inheritance), but this is blocked, and Egill develops a personal vendetta against the King. Loudly his honour sing; With Egil there was Thordis, daughter of Thorolf and Asgerdr. Then Egil was asked what counsel he thought good. Full soon learnt he the tidings of what was done, when he came to his men. There he prepared a great feast, and bade many thereto. | ISBN 9780140447705 Iri said he had gone up to Einkunnir that day, and looked to the sheep. Alone I will mine own. To this when the king assented, then said he: 'I will that Thorolf my friend and kinsman take all my heritage, both lands and chattels. He had his weapons, sword, halberd, and buckler. And when the song of praise was ended, then spake the king: 'Right well was the poem recited; and now, Arinbjorn, I have resolved about the cause between me and Egil, how it shall go. Come, eagles, to your prey.'. With us bloody sword-blows Of blood its fill. 2004 . When he went away, he bore before him on his knees a very large chest; but under his arm he carried a brazen kettle. Thorolf struck up a friendship with Bjorn, and was ever in his company. But in every cause under judgment one must look on the act with its reasons. Thorgils was strong of body and right bold of heart; the king had bestowed on him friendly gifts after the battle, and promised him his friendship. But before king Eric rowed forth to this war, he made Egil an outlaw through all Norway, and free for any man to slay. Forward Egil pressed, and hewed on either hand of him, felling many men. He received them well; he saw plainly that such followers would be a great help. The king looked at him, but answered never a word, and all saw that he was angry. Hing remained for the first winter on the eastern bank of the outer Rang-river. This I think, and with truth: That they who speak such lying slanders of me will prove to be in nowise thy friends, but it is quite clear that they are my bitter enemies; 'tis likely, however, that they will pay dearly for it if we come to deal together. Viking encounters in the British Isle. And when the wind began to abate, and the surf to calm down, there before them was a wide river-mouth. And when he came in to his place, then he saw the shield, and asked whose was that costly work. Then he went forward to the verge of the summit and hurled over stones, that none could withstand; and thereafter three of the Vermians fell, but four gat them into the wood sore wounded and bruised. Within me Odin gave The king said he would prefer to believe this. The king's treasury hath a wide entrance, but a narrow exit. Then he made him ready for the combat. Gunnar aids Unn, a kinswoman of his, to regain a dowry from Hrut, and ends up challenging him to a duel. The king then turned back southwards, but Egil went north to seek Arinbjorn. Lavish ring-despiser They did so. Upon the field fared Gudrek Or if thou wilt have him to be a baron, then give him a grant southwards in the Firths, where are all his family: thou mayest then keep an eye on him, that he make not himself too great for thee. But when they came to the borderland where Denmark and Friesland meet, and lay by the land there, so it was that one evening when they on shipboard were preparing for sleep, two men came to Egil's ship, and said they had an errand to him. They did so. Blessed boon to mortals The saga ends around the year 1000 and spans many generations. While heat-feeding bellows Spears in shivers split, Egil's Saga Explained. Thorstein bade his companions ride on while they spoke together. In the following winter Egil composed a poem about the gift of the shield: it is called Buckler-poem, and this is the beginning: 'List to the stream of lay The descendants of Kveldlfr find themselves involved in two complicated inheritance feuds, at one time rejecting the claims of illegitimate children of a second marriage, and at another time claiming land on behalf of another illegitimate child born to similar circumstances.[22]. Penguin . Bjorn then sailed into Sogn, and thence on home to his father, and Thorolf with him. And take we such heed that none escape.' Then they parted: the house-carle went home and told him the thrall's answer. Bard consecrated the cup, then gave it to the ale-maid. Grim shoved him to the ground, and after consulting his friend Thord (rr Granason), Egil took revenge by driving an axe through Grim's head. With feet poetic 'And I care little,' said he, 'for Thorolf's money loss in this, if worse does not come after; but I misdoubt, as before, that Thorolf will not rightly rate his own means against the stronger power with which he has to deal.'. Now it happened one day that Thorstein had mounted a knoll to look round. Egill returned to Iceland and spent a few years with his family. Thorolf sate in the high seat over against Thorir, and drank with him; Egil sate as cup-mate over against Arinbjorn. Thrand said: 'Now shall you see, Thorstein, whether I at all fear your threats.' Searching about they found a trapdoor in the floor, which they opened. Such deeds well beseem. All was managed with goodwill and friendship, though not without fear on the Finns' side. He sat at the boat's helm. But in the following spring Skallagrim showed him to choice land south of White-river upwards from Grims-river to Flokadale-river. He was called Bard of Atla-isle, and was a good business man and worker; not of high birth, but much prized by the king and Gunnhilda. Kveldulf questioned Aulvir closely about the doings at Sandness when Thorolf fell, what doughty deeds Thorolf had wrought before he fell, who smote him with weapon, where he received most wounds, what was the manner of his fall. For this she and all the family thanked Egil. Odin's oaks (they say) The deaths of kin: A branch so fair. Omissions? Egill wanted to claim half-share for his wife, but the prospect was bleak because Berg-Onund was a favorite of Eirik and his consort Gunnhild. (Though ne'er so kind) And when he brought this proposal to Thorstein Thora's son, then Thorstein told Egil upon what errand these men came, and asked how he should answer them; he said that it seemed a hard thing for him to lose his possessions and be driven out of the land. To Ella The owner of that farm was a powerful and wealthy man; he had a son grown up. 'For she is very wroth with you,' said Arinbjorn; 'and this has been made much worse by your encounter with Eyvind near Jutland.'. Bjorn took this matter well, and said that Arinbjorn should chiefly decide this. Egil became more and more bald. He had been a baron of the former kings. Loth were I to baulk him. Yew-bow loudly sang, It was evening when twelve men rowed to Sheppey.
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