Last update July 2020. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Roostalu et al. Shulaveri-Shomu was the predecessor of the Kura-Araxes culture and may also have influenced the Maykop culture (see below). mtDNA Haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C): So, it may be that the haplogroup previously attributed to Niall is actually attributable to Conn of the Hundred Battles. Analysis of a handkerchief with blood traces said to have been obtained at the execution of Louis XVI of France, suggested that he may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup G-M201. The lowest frequencies are observed in Cyprus (31%), Finland (36%), Iceland (38%) as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Romania and Hungary (all 39%). His approximate date of . Nicholas II of Russiahas been predicted as having an R1b haplotype. Katie Couric (maternal Haplogroup K) is. Eddie Izzard. Professor Michael Hammer of Family Tree DNA said that "scientific studies as well as records from our own database[,] make it clear that one cannot reach the kind of conclusion featured in the published articles." His . [46], Y chromosome haplogroup C2c1a1a1-M407 is carried by Mongol descendants of the Northern Yuan ruler from 14741517, Dayan Khan, who is a male line descendant of Genghis Khan which was found out after geneticists in Mongolia conducted tests on them. R-BY57225 BY57225 * BY125094 formed 3500 ybp, TMRCA 2400 ybp info. Haplogroups are divided into numerous levels of subclades that form a phylogenetic tree, which is just a fancy word for genealogical tree of genetic ancestry. (2010) recovered the DNA of Napoleon Bonaparte from beard hair follicules and compared it to that of his mother, Letizia, and his younger sister Caroline. It was very important for the Yuan dynasty to maintain marriage-alliance with the Onguds, which had been very important assistant since Genghis Khan. [10] KingLouis XVI of Francefrom a genetic test on blood in a cloth purported to have been collected at his beheading and maintained in an ornate gourd decorated withFrench Revolutionthemes. [32][33][34]Members of the research team that conducted the academic study published in 2010 stated they had not been consulted by iGENEA before they published the haplogroup information and described iGENEA's claims as "unscientific". Haplogroup H5 is thought to have originated around 12,000 years ago in West Asia, probably around the Fertile Crescent. From 5500 to 4500 BCE, the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) spread along the Danube from northern Serbia to Germany and all the way to the Netherlands and Poland. As with Y-DNA (which traces the male line from father to son) and mtDNA (which traces the female line from mother to daughter . [67] Sykes deduced that despite Somerled's reputation for having driven out the Vikings from Scotland, Somerled's own Y-DNA closely matched that of the Vikings he fought. It is likely that most of them came from assimilated Mesolithic European populations. The results forY-DNAgenealogical DNA testsare either from the men themselves, or from men who have inferred paternal descent from historical figures. Mathieson et al. H5 has been dated to around 11,500 BP (9500 BC). Haplogroup U5 is found also in small frequencies and at much lower diversity in the Near East and parts of Africa, suggesting back-migration of people from northern Europe to the south. [27], In order to verify whether the body of a woman entombed near Sweyn II of Denmark in Roskilde Cathedral is that of his mother Estrid, mtDNA from pulp of teeth from each of the two bodies was extracted and analysed. The new subclade has preliminarily been namedK1fortzi. Empress Alexandra of Russia's identity was confirmed by matching her mtDNA with that of her grand-nephew, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. All the rest are speculations of journalists who didn't even take the trouble to read my article, although I had it translated into English especially for this purpose. All three men excavated belong to Y haplogroup Q, with subclade not analysed. [38]The actual term used was G2a4, but the presumed L91 mutation has since been given a new category, G2a2b. The Unetice culture, which is thought to mark the arrival of R1b in Central Europe (but overlapping with the previous R1a expansion), had individuals belonging to H2a1a3, H3, H4a1a1a2, H7h, H11a, H82a. H7 was probably part of the Neolithic migration from the Carpathians to Ukraine that gave rise to the Dnieper-Donets culture, along perhaps with mt-haplogroups K1c, K2b, T1a1a, T2a1b1 and T2b, and with Y-haplogroups G2a3b1 and J2b2. To participate in this project, join or follow the project, then add your oldest known ancestor who belonged to this haplogroup. In 2020, a genetic study showed that the figure of the French Revolution Jean-Paul Marat killed in 1793, had the haplogroup H2 (mtDNA). An academic study which includedDNA profilingof some of the related male mummies of the18th Dynasty of Egyptwas published in theJournal of the American Medical Associationin 2010. [18], Leo Tolstoy, theRussianwriter, belonged toHaplogroup I1. Gill et al. Haplogroup H2b, H6a1b, H13a1a1a and many other undetermined H subclades (including many probable H1 and H5) turned up among the mtDNA samples from the Yamna culture, which occupied the Pontic-Caspian Steppe during the Early Bronze Age. Birger Jarl, the founder of Stockholm, the modern capital of Sweden, belonged to Y Haplogroup I-M253, according to Andreas Carlsson at the National Board of Forensic Medicine of Sweden. Distribution of mtDNA haplogroups H1 & H3 in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. This could be the case of haplogroups H4, H10, H17, H45, as well as many minor subclades for which too little data is available at the moment, but that seem to be exclusively European. Actually H6 was the only H samples identified so far in the Andronovo culture in Central Asia. (2005) found that members of haplogroup H had increased chance of survival from severe sepsis at 180 days compared with individuals from other haplogroups. Niall established a dynasty of powerful chieftains who dominated the island for six centuries. The most principal occupant, Gaodang King Korguz, had mtDNA of haplogroup D4m2. Ysearch:B2YWY. In his popular book The Seven Daughters of Eve, Bryan Sykes named the originator of this mtDNA haplogroup Helena. To further confirm the identity, the tsar's brother, Grand Duke George, was exhumed and found to have the same mitochondrial heteroplasmy. Some of their migrations can be traced through haplogroups, families of lineages that descend from a common ancesto r. Your maternal h aplogroup can [43], Fath-Ali Shah Qajar (17721834), the second emperor and shah of the Qajar dynasty of Iran belonged to Haplogroup J-M267 with DYS388 = 13 as deduced from testing of descendants of several of his sons. Found among the Angles and Lombards. Given the sample size, however, this result cannot be regarded as conclusive and further testing of other documented descendants ofZhu Xiis necessary to help confirm or refute this finding. In 2005 a study by Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes of Oxford University led to the conclusion that Somerled has possibly 500,000 living descendants. There are also male and female haplogroups, so you can see where your male and female sides of the family originated back in pre-historic times. The personal genomics company 23andMe revealed that the mitochondrial haplogroup of business magnate and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett (born 1930) is H4a. Men of the Jewish Rothschild family, who established an international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belong to haplogroup J2a1-L210. The modern distributions of H1 and H3 support a Late Glacial recolonisation of Western and Central Europe from the Franco-Cantabrian refugium. According to Family Tree DNA,[51]Genghis Khan is believed to have belonged toHaplogroup C-M217. Famous Members. As our ancestors ventured out of eastern Africa, they bran ched off in diverse groups that crossed and recrossed the globe over tens of thousands of y ears. The only region where H exceeds 50% of the population are Asturias (54%) and Galicia (58%) in northern Spain, and Wales (60%). Jones et al. H5a is thought . There are many more recent branches below that. Jean-Paul Mulders and Marc Vermeeren then pointed out that this haplogroup is common among Afroasiatic speakers. [18], Richard III's mitochondrial haplotype was inferred from living descendants and then the identity of his remains confirmed through a multidisciplinary process including genetic analysis of both his mitochondrial and Y-DNA. All these lineages would subsequently be absorbed by the Proto-Indo-European speakers (Y-haplogroups R1a and R1b) of the Yamna culture during Bronze Age. The one known subclade of H5 is H5a, defined by T4336C in the control region, which has its own subclades of H5a1 and H5a2. Niall belongs toHaplogroup R1b1c7(M222). Birger Magnusson was the ancestor of a line of kings of both Sweden and Norway, starting with his son, Valdemar, King of Sweden. 1947), an American comedian, writer, actor, playwright, and television producer best known for being the creator of the television series Seinfeld and the HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm, was revealed to be a member of mt-haplogroup K1a9 by the PBS television series Finding Your Roots. The DNA results also disproved a branch that was later added to the family book. This is a list of haplogroups of historic people.Haplogroups can be determined from the remains of historical figures, or derived from genealogical DNA tests of people who trace their direct maternal or paternal ancestry to a noted historical figure. One would have to look into SNP testing to determine final subclade placement (or BigY) Hey, thanks for this answer. [16] Another analysis revealed that purported skull of Petrarca belonged to a woman, the DNA from rib belonged to mtDNA haplogroup J2. [44], Doras Folger, one of Benjamin Franklin's mother Abiah Lee Folger's six sisters, passed on her mtDNA to her 9th-great-granddaughter, Charlene Chambers King, indicating that Franklin belonged to mitochondrial haplogroup V, with the following mutations: T16298C, 315.1C, 309.1C, A263G, and T72C. 4. Some people have argued that H1 and H3 only came with Neolithic farmers from the Near East. (2020) recovered Jean-Paul Marat's DNA from the blood-stained paper he was annotating when he was assassinated in 1793 in his bathtub. William Welles Hollister, a famous Californian rancher, belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup R1a1. Several scientists have created their own theories about the Y-chromosomal haplogroup (and therefore the patrilineal ancestry) of Genghis Khan. The remains of the younger of the two women buried with theOseberg shipwas tested and discovered to have mtDNA of U7. Many top level or major European or Middle Eastern haplogroups are also defined by additional mutations in MT-CYB, e.g. Based on Family Tree DNA records, no less than 9% of the populations of Germany and Austria belong to the haplogroup E1b1b, and among those, the vast majority - about 80% -are not associated with Jewish ancestry. observed a frequency peak for H5a in the Franco-Cantabrian region decreasing towards East Europe and commented that "This is compatible with a process of demographic repopulation of Europe after the LGM period centered in this climatic and geographic refuge. [48], Toghan, Genghis Khan's sixth son has claimed descendants who have Y haplogroup C2b1a1b1-F1756 just like the first son of Genesis Khan, Jochi's descendants in the Kazakh Tore clan. The following are contemporary individuals who have had mtDNA results publicized: The Canadian portrait artist Christian Cardell Corbet belongs to mtDNA haplogroup H. During an interview with Dr. Spencer Wells of The National Geographic Genographic Project, the hostKatie Couricwas revealed to belong tohaplogroup K. Stephen Colbertwas told by DrSpencer Wellsthat he is a member of haplogroup K. David Paterson, the former governor of New York, belongs to mtDNA haplogroupL. American novelistVanna Bontabelongs tomitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) HaplogroupH1. In the case of males, their mother's direct female lineage descendants are tested. [Guardian of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Zahi Hawass [2020] "Maternal and Paternal Lineages in King Tutankhamun's Family", Yehia Z. Gad et al.] [93], Al Roker, United States broadcaster, belongs to Y-DNA haplogroupE, common amongAfricanpeoples. [50], A 2019 study proposed that the Y lineage of Jochi (Genghis Khan's eldest son) may have been haplogroup C2b1a1b1 (C2), which they identify as a new potential candidate for Genghis Khan's true Y-DNA lineage.[46]. William was a direct descendant of John Hollister, an early colonist who immigrated to New England in 1612. Its place of origin is unknown, but it was probably somewhere around the northeastern Mediterraean (Balkans, Anatolia or Levant), possibly even in Italy. (2008) studied the role played by mitochondrial function in AIDS progression in HIV-1 infected persons. (2010) found that haplogroup H was associated with a higher maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) compared to other haplogroups. Distribution of mtDNA haplogroup H5 in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Two others' mtDNA are A[1]. (2004) compared that mtDNA to the relic of Grand Duchess Elisabeth, sister of Empress Alexandra, and found that the sequences did not match and that the HVRI mutations were actually 16129A and 16327T, which would also correspond to haplogroup H, but a different subclade, which cannot be determined without a full sequence test. [91], Dr. Mehmet Ozbelongs to Y-DNA haplogroupJ2a1b. As part of the same analysis, mitochondrial types were determined for four further individuals, thought to have been the Royal Physician and servants. The Takamuko clan is most famous forTakamuko no Kuromaro. [4] It appears to be most frequent and diverse in the Western Caucasus, so an origin there has been suggested, while its subclade H5a appears European. According to Zerjalet al. This identity was confirmed by match to that of her grand-nephew, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[11][13]. [18], Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, belongs toHaplogroup E1b1a (Y-DNA)(also known as E-M2) typical ofBantu peoples. William was a direct descendant of John Hollister, an early colonist who immigrated to New England in 1612. Cheddar Man, a nickname for the ancient human remains found in Cheddar Gorge. [66]Testing of known descendants of Nurhaci would help confirm this finding. Ruiz-Pesini et al. R-P310 (longhand R1b1a1a2a1a), also referred to as R-L151, is a fairly old branch (said to be formed 5700 ybp, TMRCA 4800 ybp). Comparison of overall haplogroup distribution (R C test of independence) revealed significant differences among the three Jewish populations (RU, Poland and Romania, P=0.017).Using an unplanned . He was ranked by Forbes as the richest person in the world in 2008 and has consistently remained in the top 4 since the annual ranking started in 2000. The team that analysed the Eighteenth Dynasty mummies disputed a claim later made by the personal genomics company iGENEA regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. 1946) was found to belong to haplogroup H3 by the personal genomics company 23andMe. C150T defines haplogroups H1e1a6, H1o, H1as1, H1av1 and H6a1a7, but may also be found among other subclades. Other H subclades were also probably found among Mesolithic or Late Upper Paleolithic Europeans based on their exclusive presence in Europe today. [11] Their common maternal ancestor, Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, and her mother, Queen Victoria, must therefore have shared this haplotype. In other words Early European Farmers only carried about 7% of haplogroup H, against 40 to 50% in present-day Europe. It is noteworthy though that the I2a men belonged exclusively to H1 and H3, a potent, albeit not conclusive evidence that H1 and H3 were lineages that belonged to Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from south-west Europe. Catherine the Great is 11-knee relation of Queen Victoria on this lineage. [70][71], Haplogroup J2 is commonly found within Asia Minor, Persia, Central Asia and the Caucasus Mountains and is frequent in modern and historical inhabitants of the Levant and Fertile Crescent especially among Jews and in Lebanon. In 2010, journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren publicised analysis of samples taken from 39 patrilineal relatives of Adolf Hitler which revealed that Hitler belonged to Y-DNA Haplogroup E-M215 (E1b1b) a haplogroup that is most commonly found in the Horn of Africa.[52][53]. Yuya served as a key adviser for Amenhotep III, and held posts such as "Kings Lieutenant" and "Master of the Horse"; his title "Father-of-the-god" possibly referred specifically to his being Amenhotep's father-in-law. Scientists make inferences of descent as hypotheses which could be disproved or modified by future research. Indeed, H6 was found in ancient remains from most Indo-European Bronze Age cultures, including Yamna (H6a1b), Corded Ware (H6a1a), Unetice (H6a1b, H6a1b3), Poltavka (H6a2), Okunevo (H6a1b), Srubnaya (H6a1a) and Andronovo (H6). Celtic culture was born from the fusion of Indo-European paternal lineages (R1b) with native Central and Western European maternal lineages (including H1, H3, H10, J1c, K1a, T2, U5 and X2). 20122021. The oldest H2, H7 and H20 samples in Europe all date from the Middle to Late Neolithic, and might have come from another wave of settlers from the Middle East, or represent lineages descended from Mesolithic Southern Europeans. Emanuel Swedenborg (16881772), the 18th century scientist and mystic from Sweden likely belonged to the haplogroup I1-BY229,[68] a haplogroup with a common ancestor about 1500 years ago who lived somewhere in central Scandinavia.[69]. This would imply that members of haplogroup H have a greater physical endurance during prolonged exercise. Already living a (semi-)nomadic existence as cattle herders since the Neolithic (=> see R1b history), horse riding and bronze working provided PIE steppe people with the means to invade and conquer practically any part of the world they wished. , and a sevenfold increase of the synonymous mutation at np 15833 which defines the H5a1 sub-haplogroup. Test of living male descendant show's Y-DNA R-M198 (Haplogroup R1a).[75]. Deduction by testing of descendants or other relatives, Cao Cao, the Cao Wei State of Ancient China, Joy Ibsen's mtDNA sequence: 16069T, 16126C, 73G, 146C, 185A, 188G, 263G, 295T, 315.1C in, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Exhumation and reburial of Richard III of England, Journal of the American Medical Association, "Identification of kinship and occupant status in Mongolian noble burials of the Yuan Dynasty through a multidisciplinary approach", "Metagenomic analysis of a blood stain from the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat (17431793)",,, "The Mitochondrial DNA Mitotype of Sainte Marie-Madeleine", "The peopling of the Americas: Genetic ancestry influences health", "First Americans Endured 20,000-Year Layover Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News", "Mitochondrial DNA sequence heteroplasmy in the Grand Duke of Russia Georgij Romanov establishes the authenticity of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II", "Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children Using DNA Analysis", "Genomic identification in the historical case of the Nicholas II royal family", "Richard III dig: 'It does look like him', "Geneticist Dr Turi King and genealogist Professor Kevin Schrer give key evidence on the DNA testing", "Bones Under Parking Lot Belonged to Richard III", "A king's final hours, told by his mortal remains", "Identification of the remains of King Richard III",, "CSI: Egypt, Complete With DNA Tests of Mummies", "Half of European men share King Tut's DNA", "King Tut Related to Half of European Men?
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