Thats mine! I replied, grabbing the cup before he could. Dont worry Tobi, I can have a shot too if you want! You suggest, looking to Harry for approval. Whenever he did this Rose would grin and audibly awe at the sight. Shit its done, Y/N whined, sliding herself to lie down on the cold floor. Ill stay out Y/N! Harry answered, which made me cheer with happiness and embrace him tightly. They stood up off his bed and nodded at him. We havent done that since I was like nine! You grinned, reminiscing about your ninth birthday where your parents both had meetings all day so Ted took you out. It was a rough night last night Tobi, I was wrongfully convinced to go to a rave, with that prick over there! You groaned, pointing to Cal. Whats your deal, why are you being such a bitch to me lately, do I mean nothing to you, Matt shouted taking a step closer to the girl. Summary: Coach Orion has a little job for his younger sister. This time an American voice - which belonged to a certain green blob - spoke,Tommy, I was just on your stream and you and your partner are so cute! He gushed. Yes! He leaned closer into you and buried his head deep into your neck, he sighed in content as you lightly ran your fingers through his soft blonde hair. Im sixteen, our mum had him quite young, you clarified. Come here Harry, Callum said to the red-faced boy. When practise finished Ted approached you, so did you speak to anyone?. Myct- (It may be a bit rusty as it is my first fanfic. Come get one Di! She shouted, the skidding and crashing indicated that the girl had arrived. Once abandon. monster energy? A/N: Have I started watching Seaquest again and remembered how much I love Lucas? A/N: Ive been wanting to write an imagine like this for a while but I didnt know who to write it for (I was leaning towards Niki because she is one of the reason why I get major bi panic) so thank you for requesting this!! The first time Tommy considered that his caffeine intake may be a bit of a problem, it was in the middle of the night, his hands and shirt soaked in someone elses blood. Ethan obviously complied, claiming he would 'never stand in the way of love. You got situated, comfily leaning into Cal, his hand slowly gliding over your hip. And it was never a problem. He huffed, I dont want you to hate me Y/N but well never have whatever it was we even had again., God Matt! Aw thats sweet, Phil laughed sincerely. By day, he is a regular college student. Hello! Y/N smiled, is Tommy in his bedroom?. Thatll be four dollars and fifty cents, doll, the woman in the truck said, handing Charlie both of the sweet treats while you reached for a five-dollar note then slid it over to her. Three-way kiss, Platonic DNB!! He reluctantly grabbed the cup and took a sip before slamming it to the table, how can people drank that!. Shut up Jordan! Norah reddened, pulling him away and up the stairs. Only Connie, shes super nice, but she thinks youre dead grumpy. You answered, this made him frown slightly. Cal trudged over as everyone got situated with their shots, we all clinked glasses and downed them, my body hated that. Ethan mumbled. An angel! She smiled grabbing the wings and halo next to her and placing them on. Hi chat! Y/N beamed, leaning back into Tommys chest. hello yes karl x sapnap x quackity is canon dont hate on me pls- lmfao enjoy i guess-karlnapity; If thats what Badlands ranch provides hell take it even with the sour look on the owners sons face. The writer doesnt know a lot about hospitals, im "If the dark is the world and the light is the end then, what's the happiness?" A/N: I have not been on Tumblr for a LONGG time. The pair walking off, lets get more shots.. Karl Jacobs, Sapnap and Quackity streaming with aScottish!Reader, Quackity was messing around with his voice changer and went on your stream, you were mortified because he didnt know what Irn Bru is, Are you kidding me on? Raccoon Hybrid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Alex | Quackity & Clay | Dream & Technoblade, Clay | Dream/Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Past Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) - Relationship, Past Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy - Relationship, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF) & Nightmare (Dream SMP), Nightmare Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Dreamon Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Dreamon Hunters on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Dreamons on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Platonically Married Ranboo and Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo and Toby Smith | Tubbo Have a Child Named Michael, Prisoner Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream is Not DreamXD (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream is Not Okay (Video Blogging RPF), Prison Arc on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream Escapes Prison (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream Kills TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit in Pandora's Vault Prison (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream Beats TommyInnit to Death (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit Friendship (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream Redemption (Video Blogging RPF), Pre-Red Banquet on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Post-Red Banquet on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Red Banquet on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream is Obsessed With TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Long-Haired Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF) (mentioned), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (mentioned), Established Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Married Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Sapnap is So Whipped (Video Blogging RPF), In for a penny, in for a pound. Well you would know if you watched my streams, Tommy drawled out teasingly. He put back on his headset and unmuted the discord call. I call dibs on this one! I shouted, running up to the door of the one on the left, I saw on that this one had a hot tub in it!. this starts off with a lot of Come get your food Sapnap x Quackity x Karl shippers After patiently waiting for about twenty seconds the door opened, revealing the homely interior. (I found out half way through that you can only add 10 images per post so I'm gonna make a part 2 with your name in their phone), Genderqueer - They/them - 18 - Writer Fandoms: Markiplier - Dream Smp - Requests are open. Matt turned to leave and Y/N went to sit next to Diana, I wish he wasnt such a cunt, she stated, making Diana whip he head around. The best way to cure a hangover is more bev! Harry shouts back, and on that note, the proclaimed Sambuca alarm goes off. that is, until a duck shows up on his porch After a few seconds of Tubbo rambling on about anything to fill the silence that echoed through the call, a monotone voice spoke,Tommy I heard you are in a relationship.. MY BELOVED KARLNAPITYYY Dec 20, 2022 - Explore Sinah's board "Karl x Sapnap x Quackity" on Pinterest. Tonight the two girls were headed to a Halloween party thrown by some kids in the year below, it was in this boy, Brodies, basement. She finally decided that lying in her bed all day fawning over Michael J Fox in Back to the Future wasnt being productive. He introduced you, his last comment making you shake your head and flush. Then he left. I went over to my case looking for something nice to wear, I was thinking of a summer dress of some sort since Ive been sweating buckets since I got here. I put it on and coated my eyelashes with some mascara and slipped my feet into a pair of wedge sandles. Sort by: Hot. All of the drunken teenagers gathered around the table tennis table and started to pound on it. # karlxsapnapcquackity 1 (8/17/21) Cover from picsart. annoying parents, a hard school life, and absolutely no fun once so ever. Phil did you see that?Yes, yes I did Will, Phils voice calmly said, he paused before continuing,I am currently texting Techno to join the call and see this.. Kiss on the hand2. Perhaps we should take this to my room, what do you say Diana? Brodie suggested to the ethereal-looking girl on his lap who was layering his neck with the red lipstick she had swiped on only an hour or so prior. basically just Karlnapity oneshots it all started off with a normal practice.. never seeing or knowing who was apart of the Green Team at all untill one da karl is extremely bored in his new house. Technoblade and Dream start an enemies-with-benefits relationship in secret and everyone suffers a little. He grimaced when he saw you fast approaching, what do you want?, I just want to talk, you seemed kind of, you hummed. You grabbed his free hand and pulled him towards a free bench and sat down, indicating him to sit down next to you. You giggled at his silly antics and pulled him away. If Y/N L/N was asked who she most hated in the entire world, she would answer with Matt Press in a heartbeat. I smiled when I felt Harry drop his head onto my shoulder. Youre here! "actually no you know what idgaf I choose to be delusional loudduo is not dead they're actually cuddling and watching ratatouille right now dream george quackity sapnap and karl are all curled up on the dream team couch with patches and they are watching ratatouille being bff4life" She has a hangover! Cal can be heard shouting from the couch in the corner of the room. Can we have four portions, please, He asked, the man nodded in return. Getting to be with his lovers- his husbands- for the rest of his life still barely felt real to Karl. sapnap x reader dream x reader quackity x reader karl x reader minx x reader niki x reader puffy x reader mcyt mcyt x reader minecraft dreamsmp. ESTS LEYENDO. No seriously, who are they? Wilbur urged, getting a bit annoyed at the blonde. Which caused a smile to break out across their face. Yeah, he hummed, its all a bit of fun, yeah.. For once Tommy wasnt yelling, instead he was talking in a softer tone, everyone was surprised to say the least, but they were ecstatic he found someone. You left your bedroom and walked down the wooded corridor to the living room, yeah whats up?. Me and Cal are necking all this tonight, you announced, indicating to all the opened bottles of alcohol. Get out my room so I can change, you said, pointing towards your wide open door. Harry and I went further into the area we were staying, looking for yet another club. I have no idea because I am making this up as I go! A pia colada please, I asked, the boys all asked for one too, sending Callum on his way. And Im joining you! He added, clearly trying to wind her up. Gather round team, your brother called, before growing impatient, god gave you legs for a reason, use them!. As soon as Ethan gave it over you snatched it, popping off the lid and pouring it directly in your mouth. Some would say hes a dick others would be straight up and label him a sociopath. You said you were done! Aw dont be mean, he pouted, leaning down towards you. She whipped round, and finally he had well and truly pissed her off. Amendment to that, Quackity is freshly nineteen. Buckle up, kid, because SHIT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN. So what if he drank an energy drink (or three, or four) a day? Kiss on the lips5. Shots! Cal bellowed, returning to the table with a tray of sixteen shots on it. See people! Tobi, Ethan and Harry said they were going out for an early dinner since it was about half-four. While she handed me mine she spoke, so what one of these lucky boys is your boyfriend?, The question caused me to laugh, none of them, Im just an old friend!. You decided to keep your mouth shut and not protest as you werent exactly upset at the idea of cuddling your lanky boyfriend all day. Yes Rich! #Captinpuffy 10 You walked over to your bed and threw yourself onto it, Richie following you. The moment in which the dream smp members realized that it was more then a crush. Just something I wanted to write for my poly!c!karlnapity x reader series. Woah there! Every few days she would show up at your door with yet another gift bag. While also making sure shell never know how he earns their living expenses. You will take your shots in, he paused, 3.. 2.. 1! You tipped the burning liquid down your throat, giving your head a shake after. Y/N continued reading the chat, while cuddling into Tommys chest. Hey angel, how was your day? Y/N softly asked. Im not that bad babe! He answered, giving her a side-eye. Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you. No please dont leave me here with Matt! Y/N pleaded making him burst out laughing. They took their hand out of Tommys fluffy hair and placed it by their side. More and more clippings came up, this team were incredible, you had noticed that they had 4 'star players, Captain Charlie Conway, Adam Banks and the Bash Brother, Fulton Reed and Dean Portman. He smiled as his chat flooded with a series of yeses, Tommy quickly swivelled in his chair to face his bed, which was where Y/N was sitting. Its time to pick your mixers- Harry was cut off by Ethan hyena cackle, shit you already did that. It was Harrys room, the flashbacks from the night before started to fill my once hazy memory. You were cleaning up your house. You slowly grew more intrigued as stories of this so-called wonder team popped up, you filtered the site to only show clippings that contained the words 'ice hockey, 'ducks and 'Bombay, their coach and a close friend of your brothers. Lovely to see you too Matt, She pulled a tight-lipped smile, Samantha, she nods towards the other girl. No Y/N, Ive always thought this, I think Im falling in love with you, his drunken voice raved. Here, whats this! He chirped, looking at the drink on my table, a cheeky malibu and pineapple juice, interesting. He observed, reaching to take a drink. Yes Dwayne, this is the Y/n and she is my younger sister, shes just here to supervise the game. What happens if Karl, Sapnap and Quackity receive a little bundle of joy at their doorstep. more like monsters in the closet. Have fun Y/N! Cal drunkenly giggled. I dont write smut bc Im kinda uncomfy with it as Im ace. Jen, who always tried to see the best in a situation spoke, who knows, they might just be scared of you?. Matt for the love of god, just let me hate you. She whispered. I need another drink, Y/N declared, standing up from her spot on the couch. I am going to take that as a Richie please cuddle me all day and to that I say yes, yes I will! He grinned walking into your room after you. He scoffed, well excuse me, we are a team, the ducks, its just Orion is not a part of it!. Out! You giggled, placing a rushed kiss on his cheek before shooing him out. (You never loved me), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Based off of a TikTok I saw on my fyp and TommyInnit's Clinic for Supervillains, Karlnapity breakup because I like being sad about them three, Karlnapity but make it angst bc my brain says so, i think I dont fucking know at this point, I LISTENED TO MY TNTDUO PLAYLIST WHILE WRITING, Baby, you are finer than a frogs hair split four ways, Zak Ahmed | Skeppy/Darryl Noveschoch | BadBoyHalo, Antfrost/VelvetIsCake (Video Blogging RPF), Zak Ahmed | Skeppy & Darryl Noveschosch & Sapnap & Eryn, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo & Sam | awesamdude & Cara | CaptinPuffy, Sapnap is Bad at Feelings (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch | Badboyhalo is Eryns parent, The Badlands on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - Coraline (2009) Fusion, Neglectful Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Rewriting popular movies with minecraft streamers, Everyone is here but i don't want to tag them all jfc, I wrote this for me but you can read it too, only tagging concupiscient relationships for now, Fundy & Ranboo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Manipulative Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Villain GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled and Luke | Punz are Siblings, TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF). Grabbing your hand and pulling you up beside him afterwards. He shook his head sheepishly, no! They hate me its impossible to work with! Ted groaned as you were all sat around the dinner table, knees deep in yet another of his rants. This made him smile, Fine we can talk, under one condition.. Jump, Matt grunted, breaking the kiss, his arms came down to the back of her thighs, lifting her onto the table. You scared me! Y/N drunkenly chuckled, embracing her friend. I just wanted to point out that this might not really follow the lore because I was not in the fandom when this part of the lore was going on. Nothing much, he replied, looking up at you. Ill probably write about some of my headcannons eventually, maybe, potentially. Im seeing how close we are to landing, I replied, Callum zooming his camera into me. Shut up Rich! You groaned, turning to face the boy, who had a absolutely massive smirk playing on his lips. This is mostly to practice writing so I can't promise I'll update frequently. They looked up from their phone and came face-to-face with Tommys smiling face. KarlNapity: Karl Tells His Boyfriends About His Regression Angelixx Summary: Karl is an age regressor, however, since his boyfriends had come over to stay for a while, he was unable to regress. I ordered a pink gin and Harry ordered a vodka and lemonade. Shut up Samantha, Press quipped before turning to glare at the girl in front of him. For the majority of the filming, you watched Tobi getting fed more and more drinks, occasionally saying the odd word to Cal. Y/N then jumped directly on top of Tommy, which resulted in an oof sort of noise from Tommy. Fucking hell! You promised yourself you wouldn't do this. Thats what we were about to go do! Cal shouted, leaning down to kiss my jawline. Karl was playing on the Dream SMP with Quackity and George. He grunted in annoyance before walking off with a beer. Technoblade lives a double life. Hello!! Or: Your Disney favorites; Little Mermaid, Tangled, and Sleeping Beauty. Darling, I dont think so, he smiled almost sadly. Hey! He pouted in a whining manner. I am nothing like an angel, I am the dirty crime boy! He stated, adding emphasis to nothing and angel. Last to finish them buys the next round! I challenged, picking up one of the shots. I looked over to the end of the row to see Harry groggily talking to Callum. Callum will love this! Cal burst out laughing, cackling as he left the room. It was all silent and comfortable until Richies voice piped up, hey Y/N?. We all ventured out of the villa complex and found a club which was about five minutes away. Yes, hes just finished streaming if you want to head up, she responded, before heading into the kitchen.
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