B) captivating. C) imply that Santino was smarter than most 2 chimpanzees. B) the presentation of a question to an analysis of C) extremely. Subject matter: Four passages are drawn from four areas: Law, Social Science, Science, and Humanities. what if you have rephrased an answer, in your own words, and found the answer in the options, but do not find the evidence in the passage? The analysis of mildly infected treated plants revealed Agricultural Research Service identified an insect phytoplasma levels 300 times below those of untreated accomplice-the beet leafhopper, which transmits the plants, meaning that the salicylic acid treatment must have phytoplasma to plants while feeding. A) argue that only natural compounds should be used to treat infections that have their basis in 6 nature. Santino might thought-action coupling during MTT was reported in a study opt to hide his rocks, and you might decide to stop in which spontaneous fluctuations in the direction and 65 antagonizing bees. Direct link to Hecretary Bird's post At least you noticed that, Posted 2 years ago. Tissue T1(msec) T2(msec) MRI scanners come in different field strengths, usually 15 between 0.5 and 1.5 tesla. D) lines 60 - 63 (Nonetheless regions) 8 11 The author uses the information in lines Which choice best describes the authors attitude 49-51(Significantly, the infected scions.) mainly to towards potential uses of salicylic acid in agriculture? 3 Which of the following situations is most similar to the research problems described in paragraph 2? Direct link to keoni's post i have that sat date too!, Posted 2 years ago. B) diagnose patients with age-related illnesses from A) It supports the claim, but suggests that the an earlier age. 8 The phrase globally threatened(line 53) primarily 11 serves to The third-largest category represents amphibians that A) show that scientists consider amphibians future are classified as perilous by the seriousness of the terms. This allows students to build their reading comprehension skills and reinforce knowledge in other subject areas. Ever wished you could just print out a full "hard copy" list of every single Khan Academy online practice SAT question in one place? C) involved a new analogical relationship. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. This program seemed almost too agreeable for originally published in 1879. There has to be evidence that supports the correct answer, as well as evidence that would allow you to eliminate every incorrect answer. 2 D) The author of Passage l believes that participation In Passage l, the reference to bonds (line 5) mainly in society decreases individuals' liberties, while serves to the author of Passage 2 believes that it increases A) insert a personal opinion into an otherwise them. Questions 8 and 9: Relationships and citing textual evidence. Over the course of the passage, Sandeep comes to view the adults as. Now that we know what Sandeep criticizes, we can turn to the answer choices. Diagnostic Literature P2 Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage. Read a lot. ", "But when the leaders choose to make themselves bidders at an auction of popularity, their talents, in the construction of the state, will be of no service. he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of the evening. question 37 asks about a word in line 30 which is at the end of the first paragraph, with the next question asking for the central claim of the second paragraph, I had little understanding of the passage but the questions made me end up doubting the answer I wanted to go for originally. forests, in order to avoid human error while A) lines 19-20 (In plummeted) maintaining accuracy B) lines 20-22 (These farther) C) LiDAR is as important a technology as MRI C) lines 32-34 (Before Earth) scanning or the scientific study of the moon with D) lines 34-36 (We could hand) lasers. (1986). are preserved if all the fishes tend to swim in the same direction. Now, when the order was passed to loose the skysail, an old Dutch sailor came up to me, and said, Buttons, my boy, 15 its high time you be doing something; and its boys business, Buttons, to loose de royals, and not old mens business, like me. A seed might not be considered alive. In the passage, Burke displays the greatest respect for 3 D) tendency to interact with humans. NuSTAR, an Explorer-class mission launched in June 2012, is designed to detect the highest-energy X-ray light in great detail. taxonomists to form a unit 20 Frog larvae are typically herbivores, whereas adults are carnivores, thus exposing them to a wide diversity of food, Breakdown of Known Amphibian Species, predators, and parasites. combo in 1983, the brown broth failed to materialize. D) Investment in the sciences will enable humans to 3 better understand how the universe works. It was a long road up those stairs, and I began to pant and breathe hard, before I was half way. Look how nice and fresh I am! Sandeep doesn't like the fact that adults make everything formal and traditional and overly dramatic. Direct link to fayezj18j's post how about history and sci, Posted a year ago. This level of autonomy is essential to 60 co-opt host cell replication systems. But hes a splendid courier. 3 C) create a pun centered on the idea that hydrogen is It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that, necessary for life on this planet. which annulment might at any time be invoked justly. Link up. B) lines 16-19 (The typical environments) B) face a risk of extinction greater than that of any C) lines 20-22 (Frogparasites) other group of organisms. to recommend to our neighbors the example of the British constitution than to take models from them for the improvement of our own. 40 They each require a critical level of complexity or interaction The symbol [2004] indicates that the following sentence is to achieve their respective states. I wish I found this earlier. One might expect R.J., Ramani, P., and Young, B.E. study to an assessment of that study B) sincerely. Science L2 P3 7 10 According to passage 2, which choice best summarizes Which of the following types of evidence is relied the relationship between episodic and semantic upon in passage l but not in passage 2? order to function efficiently 2 5 Based on the passage, SIRT-3 and SIRT-4 indirectly As used in line 15 (flagging), flagging most nearly affect cell longevity by means A) strengthening the mitochondrial membrane. No one uses the findings to build new technologies. The closer findings,which appear in a new study in the journal Nature, the accretion disk is, the more gravity from the black hole 10 resolve a long-standing debate about similar measurements in will warp X-ray light streaming off the disk. ", Consider positive and negatives, and let that guide your, Simplify the question as much as you can, using, Then, apply that simple "test" question to the quotations in the choices, With each choice, ask yourself: "Is this quotation doing that thing the question wants it to do? B) is afraid of ruining the plan to go to the castle with Miss Miller. D) Crow 1 was generally more successful at matching B) A circle and a cross. B) lines 19-20 (The costs specific) C) scope. C) connect contemporary struggles for freedom with B) Scientific knowledge will inevitably improve the the American colonists' fight for independence. 6 D) is surrounded by electrons. ", "Our people will find employment enough for a truly patriotic, free, and independent Based on the passage, the significance of Jeffrey Badas experiment rests mainly on his success at 6 A) confirming that the production of amino acids on As used in line 45, realism most nearly means early Earth was possible. Be prepared for a diverse array of challenges, and remember that its completely acceptable to. The author implies that viruses are not considered B) functions exactly like a virus. I guess you could literally print screenshots, or save the website and print it that way. Earlier this year a series of papers in The Lancet reported that 85 percent of the $265 billion spent each year on medical research is wasted. Loannidis, Scientific Research Needs an Overhaul, 2014 by Scientific American. D) shift the focus from a conversation to a characters 3 subjective thoughts. C) Some plastics were likely ingested by organisms. phrase. 20 Winterbourne hesitated a moment. Direct link to Naina 's post Where in the passage does, Posted 2 years ago. The findings apply to gravity.\" several other black holes as well, removing the uncertainty in the previously measured spin rates. Which statement from the passage is best supported by C) Theory of Mind is a better predictor of the data presented in the graph? As used in line 30, seized on most nearly means D) They signal that scientists are now certain how A) embraced. changes to a government should maintain that governments essential properties. Hes only 10 nine. Direct link to Kami Sadien's post How do you know which que, Posted 2 years ago. newspaper and it got angry and stung your hand. The center will do so by exploring what are the best ways to make scientific investigation more reliable and efficient. C) used one type of electric vehicle to generalize about all electric vehicles. C) lines 20-23 (Treating phytoplasmas) D) introduce the topic by showing that salicylic acid D) lines 24-27 (Wei Wu Maryland) has been helpful to humans before. 2 D) one of several studies conducted over the years The author mentions willow trees in order to about the effects of salicylic acid on crops. If you find any problems or have any questions, 44 CONTINUE feel free to contact Wechat: satxbs123 We will address your concern immediately. Individuals within particularly the variation within species, is likely shaped by populations vary in their laterality scores and the present natural selection to suit contemporary ecological and social 70 study suggests that each fish positions itself within the school conditions. In this If an animal can imagine itself interacting with the world respect, one emerging possibility is that MTT may be in the past via episodic memory - like Santino recalling a represented in the sensory-motor systems that regulate 60 failed attack when a human spotted him holding a rock, or human movement (i.e., MTT is embodied). Up I went, not daring to look down, but keeping my eyes glued, as it were, to the 25 shrouds, as I ascended. are you sure that isnt sarcasm lots of people don't understand this. Make sure to read slowly on the parts of the passage that are more likely to contribute more to the overall idea, such as the first sentence of each paragraph. Simply put, a piece of the passage that helps you argue for something. i finish all the lesson and i really like it. example of an item that A) is closer in substance to a metabolically active 3 sack than is a virus. Coupled with the alarming rate at which we are exploiting fossil fuels, the world growing energy demand The researchers thus conclude that range anxiety may be 10 necessitates that we find alternative energy sources. have a warping effect. more familiar concept. like a bar magnet, the nucleus of a hydrogen atom D) communicate a complex scientific idea using a A) spins in a counter-clockwise direction. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, and This passage is excerpted from President John F. Kennedys bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the inaugural address, given in 1961. absolute control of all nations. For 55 the same size as a small bacterium,infects amoebae. between the two parts of the study done by Ed A) Crows ability to match objects steadily improves Wasserman and his colleagues is that the second part. Line Pokey; the second conjures slump-shouldered teens huddled 5 in corners furtively glancing at each other-even as loud Adapted from Lan Chaplin and Michael Nortons Why Dont music blares in the background. Science L2 P2 7 10 The author implies that the results of Sinclairs study How does the information in the graph relate to the will enable future scientists to authors claim that caloric reduction increases the A) reverse the aging process. Diagnostic History P2 Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage. Science L2 P7 Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage and fundamental to understanding its past history and that of its supplementary material. Unlike semantic memory, which involves this way (i.e., recollection-guides-simulation) is evidenced recalling simple facts like bee stings hurt, episodic memory from research demonstrating that retrospection and 55 involves putting yourself at the heart of the memory; like prospection rely on largely overlapping neural structures and remembering the time you swatted at a bee with a rolled up cognitive operations. Almost every time I do a history passage practice using Khan Academy I get AT MOST 6/11 questions correct. A) A high school has to cut its music and arts programs due to a decrease in government funding. 5 2 In the last paragraph, the words reflected, lucidly, As used in line 24, conscious most nearly means and felt primarily serve to A) responsive. It is easy in principle, though logistically nightmarish, to measure carbon in tropical forests. 2 D) grappled with. differently than it affects yeast. Then, they dive straight into a close reading of the passage. Create your own flipbook View in Fullscreen Khan Academy - All Reading Questions (68 Passages) 1 According to the passage, ocean plastics are found in This passage is excerpted from Marcus Eriksens Plastic Pollution greatest quantities in in the worlds Oceans: More Than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing A) subtropical regions. Check out how we do it: This video demonstrates one way to read a narrative passage actively. Diagnostic Literature P2 1 4 Which choice best summarizes the passage? B) Historical trends A) Plastics of all sizes were found on the oceans C) Data synthesis surface. I feel a little lost here. 40 In addition to visually inspecting the plants for disease 5 Now, salicylic acid may also offer relief to crop plants by symptoms, the team analyzed leaf samples for the priming their defenses against a microbial menace known as phytoplasmas unique DNA fingerprint, which turned up in potato purple top phytoplasma. Outbreaks of the cell-wall- 94 percent of samples from untreated plants but in only 47 less bacterium in the fertile Columbia Basin region of the percent of treated ones. But I shall not believe in them till I see them; a skysail seems high enough in all conscience; and the idea of anything higher than that, seems preposterous. ", "The improvements of the National Assembly are Science L2 P2 Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. ", "Perhaps they are not so miserably deficient as they appear. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. each group of mice increases as caloric reduction increases. aesthetic qualities can also be sources of medicine. Times.\" 2003 Natalie Mach, Graduate Fellow, Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of When Miller repeated the experiment using the correct Colorado at Boulder. And to avoid fraud and ground-the largest field plot in the world-takes a team of protect landowners, many governments keep their plot 12 people about eight months: a slog of rain and mud and 70 locations secret. Science L3 P2 Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. A virus, too, fails to reach a critical For about 100 years, the scientific community has complexity So life itself is an emergent, complex state, but it repeatedly changed its collective mind over what viruses are. amphibians in order to A) show why they are so susceptible to being harmed 2 by changes in their environments. B) Some younger children do not enjoy singing and D) defend a controversial social practice. In the passage, a young man (Akira) asks a mother (Chie) for permission to marry her daughter (Naomi). out that the gases he used (a reactive mixture of methane and ammonia) did not exist in large amounts on early Earth. Direct link to xavier.lockyer's post Cry yourself to sleep, Lesson 9: Reading Comprehension Articles, if dont have time to finish the pasage i am on, what d i do?|. C) helpful, because their countries stand to benefit C) at a mean canopy height of 625 MCH2 three types from universal carbon data that the studies will of forests depicted will have approximately the uncover. B) They both agree that participation in society C) minority opinions and majority opinions should increases the liberties of a limited number of be given equal consideration in community citizens. When any number of men have so consented to make one community or government, they are slip in; if one part of the citizens should find themselves, by thereby presently incorporated, and make one body politic, the contract, subordinated and exploited by the others, it 15 wherein the majority have a right to act and conclude the would no longer be a contract; it would be a fraud, against rest. D) always travel in the same direction. depict how the characters created gestures that became routine. Is there an option to do these Tests and be graded on them? When you're reading one, if you ever get confused, it's important to ground yourself. 3. . As the research team most definitions. "How does each character feel about what's going on, and how do they feel about each other? visual uncommon in predators. D) emphasize the height of the skysail. example, a living entity is in a state bounded by birth and Sequence analysis of the virus revealed numerous genes 15 death. Passage 2 With today's electric vehicle (EV) batteries, end of life Passage 1 is excerpted from Michael Thackerays The Long, Winding Road to Advanced Batteries for Electric Cars, published in is commonly defined as when the storage capacity drops 2012. While this shows that plastic pollution has spread throughout all the worlds oceans, the comparison of size classes and weight relationships suggests that during fragmentation plastics are lost from the sea surface. D) Objective D) explain that scientific inquiry into viruses is new. The relation between one pair of items must be indeed understand basic cause-effect relations. Astronomers look for these warping effects by analyzing 60 X-ray light emitted by iron circulating in the accretion disk. superficial, their errors fundamental. They found that power fade for the chosen current-day lithium-ion. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. C) They suggest a shift in scientific thought 5 regarding the origin of life on Earth. even if i suffer from understanding the passage in some parts, because of having poor vocabulary knowledge, would those strategies help me ? As his reputation for mischief grew, he had to Passage 2 is excerpted from Justin Gregg, A New Frontier in devise increasingly clever ways to ambush his wary victims. Then use Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy to answer practice questions tailored just for you. An ARS-University of acquired resistance, a state of general readiness against Maryland team has found evidence that pretreating tomato microbial or insect attack. Todays providing only extrapolated, coarse-resolution carbon airborne LiDARs can get you to within about 10% of the estimates with very high uncertainties, and there is no 30 same carbon estimate in eight seconds. A) lines 11-15 (A precise death) C) argue for an unpopular position. Even if you do not understand the passage fully (which is okay! rays emitted from regions very close to the black hole,\" said the coauthor of a new study, NuSTAR principal investigator With the possibility of obscuring clouds ruled out, Fiona Harrison of the California Institute of Teohnology in 70 scientists can now use the distortions in the iron signature Pasadena. Science L2 P1 Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. A) lines 16-19 (The disclosure laboratory) A) They imply that accepted theories regarding the B) lines 20-22 (It turns out early Earth) origin of life on Earth are groundless. begin at the onset of puberty. to D) an argument in support of the existence of mental A) suggest that Santino had a violent disposition. C) lines 58 - 60 (Other conditions) D) argue that an experiment should be reproduced. In general, amphibians have small geographic ranges, but this is accentuated in most terrestrial species (the 35 majority of salamanders; a large proportion of frog species also fit this category) that develop directly from terrestrial eggs that have no free-living larval stage. 5 doesnt think much of old castles. Doubting yourself , Active reading step | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Implicit meaning and Citing textual evidence | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Words and phrases in context I | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Understanding relationships | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Words and phrases in context II | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Claims and Counterclaims | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Part-whole relationships | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Relationships and citing textual evidence | History passage | Reading test | SAT, Analyzing point of view | History passage | Reading test | SAT. caloric reduction. As used in the last sentence of the first paragraph, sober most nearly means, Burkes central claim in the last paragraph is that the Duration: 35 minutes Length: 26-28 passage-based questions (divided into four reading passages). Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the precious question? governments need to be changed periodically to remain relevant. Of tasks in which they had to match items that were the same as course, crows are reputed to be clever. First off, here's the passage we're working with, for easy reference: On Literature passages, many students find it helpful to read the blurb and then skim the questions, highlighting important words and line references. Science L2 P5 7 10 Which choice provides the best evidence for the According to the table,which tissue is the first to return answer to the previous question? Onward! Our platform offers free high-quality, standards-aligned learning resources - instructional videos,. Which choice provides the best evidence for the C) The higher children scored on our Theory of answer to the previous question? Watershed) estimate global distribution and count and weight densities of B) lines 11-14 (Despite . It complements telescopes that observe lower- 30 energy X-ray light, such as XMM-Newton and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. As far as I know, Khan Academy doesn't have a built in feature that allows you to do this, though. dancing. Hello. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. degradation. Our platform offers free high-quality, standards-aligned learning resources - instructional videos,. In this regard, viruses resemble seeds more than they do live cells. Perhaps you missed a key sentence, or maybe your interpretation of the answer was off in some way. 3 According to the the passage, the main problem with theMiller-Urey experiment was that A) the results have never been duplicated in subsequent scientific experiments. others at ARSs Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. In particular, what shapes the Santino, you see, is not human. It does protect SIRT4-in mitochondria (the cells powerhouse that, among cells, but there's growing evidence that it may mediate the 10 other tasks, converts nutrients to energy). D) it was something he had always wanted to do.
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