He has torn, and he will heal us, Hos 6 1. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. (Lamentations 3:1-9) The man afflicted by the LORD. David often complains of those that hated him without cause; and such are the enemies of Christ and his church, John 15 25. Those whom thou cursest are cursed indeed. 4. - Universal Beginnings (Chuck Missler), God was like the judge, giving a cup of judgment and. We must pray to him, with a believing expectation to receive mercy from him; for that is implied in our lifting up our hands to him (a gesture commonly used in prayer and sometimes put for it, as Ps 141 2, Let the lifting up of my hands be as the evening sacrifice); it signifies our requesting mercy from him and our readiness to receive that mercy. One might conjecture that the following thought in the Toozek i Teemour was borrowed from this: -. ( Lamentations 3:21-23 KJV) Verse 23 tells us, "They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness," like we sing in the old hymn. He has bent his bow, the bow that was ordained against the church's prosecutors, that is bent against her sons, v. 12. He marvels that God should have drawn near to him, for his condition was a very pitiful one. And threw stones at me. Observe here, 1. 45 Thou hast made us as the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people. God can entangle the head that thinks itself clearest, and sink the heart that thinks itself stoutest. Verse Lamentations 3:2. We must offer up ourselves to God, and our best affections and services, in the flames of devotion, v. 41. That he is not able to discern any way of escape or deliverance (v. 5): "He has built against me, as forts and batteries are built against a besieged city. 1. Here is, I. If God disciplines us when we are young, it is to train us for a fruitful future. "I recall it to mind; therefore have I hope, and am kept from downright despair." The deluge prevailed and quite overwhelmed them. That though we may seem to be cast off for a time, while sensible comforts are suspended and desired salvations deferred, yet we are not really cast off, because not cast off for ever; the controversy with us shall not be perpetual. "When I lay gasping for life, and ready to expire, and thought i was breathing my last, then thou tookest cognizance of my distressed case." General Epistles Their case was really pitiable, yet they complain, Thou hast not pitied, v. 43. In Your anger, Yes, certainly they do; and it is more emphatically expressed in the original: Do not this evil, and this good, proceed out of the mouth of the Most High? 65 Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them. Lamentations 3:1-66 . And to those who thus wait and seek God will be gracious; he will show them his marvellous lovingkindness. Silenced my life in the pit: Seemeth not to be here taken literally, for the lowest and nastiest place in prisons, which probably was the portion but of a few of the Jews; but metaphorically, for the lowest and saddest condition of misery. It is good that a man should both hope Hope is essentially necessary to faith; he that hopes not, cannot believe; if there be no expectation, there can be no confidence. Note, Whatever hard things we suffer, we must never entertain any hard thoughts of God, but must still be ready to own that he is both kind and faithful. You have seen all their vengeance, If we cannot say with unwavering voice, The Lord is my portion; may we not say, I desire to have Him for my portion and salvation, and in his word do I hope? 2. Do not be in a hurry; do not expect to be delivered out of your trouble the first time you begin to cry unto God. Against all the despair, Jeremiah proclaimed to himself and all others the goodness of hope and patient seeking of God. He has made me desolate. Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the LORD: Even under the great sense that God was their opponent and adversary (Lamentations 3:1-18), Jeremiah recommended the proper and humble approach. Why, said the master, I have first to teach you to hold your tongue, and afterwards to instruct you how to speak. The Lord teaches true penitents how to hold their tongues. (Spurgeon), ii. We are men, and not gods, subjects, not lords; we are not our own masters, not our own carvers; we are bound and must obey, must submit. They look upon the Jewish nation as dead and buried, and imagine that there is not possibility of its resurrection. Thank you for registering. Our own wickedness corrects us, Prov 19 3. Here Jeremiah fulfills that role with tears that flow and do not cease, without interruption. This was a pathway to hope for him. Major Prophets Verse 52. That grief returned upon every remembrance of his troubles, and his reflections were as melancholy as his prospects, v. 19, 20. And pursued us; 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. God will plead thy cause, and redeem thy soul. I make to return to my heart (so the margin words it); what we have had in our hearts, and have laid to our hearts, is sometimes as if it were quite lost and forgotten, till God by his grace make it return to our hearts, that it may be ready to us when we have occasion to use it. Thou saidst, Fear not. From the lowest pit. c. And turn back to the LORD: All the self-examination in the world does little good if it does not lead us back to this place. i. Let us search and try our ways, search what they have been, and then try whether they have been right and good or no; search as for a malefactor in disguise, that flees and hides himself, and then try whether guilty or not guilty. "Judah" is the population not merely of Jerusalem, but of the whole kingdom . Verse Lamentations 3:60. My strength and my hope have perished from the LORD: No wonder Jeremiah and Jerusalem could say this. These are good times for reflection (sit alone) and listening rather than speaking. And set me up as a target for the arrow. i. He will save believers with everlasting salvation, while his enemies perish with everlasting destruction. (Lamentations 3:57-63) Thankful and confident of future help. Why, he was accused of every crime that even Sodom knew; and perjury stood up and swore that all was true. Formerly he inflicted punishments with reluctance, while there was any hope of amendment: but, in the instance before us, the case was so hopeless, that God acts according to the simple principle of vindictive justice. Proud member The living man should be grateful he still has life, and recognize there is some justice in the punishment of his sins. And (v. 6), He has set me in dark places, dark as the grave, like those that are dead of old, that are quite forgotten, nobody knows who or what they were. Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the LORD, You have made us an offscouring and refuse, flow and do not cease, without interruption, Till the LORD from heaven looks down and sees, My enemies without cause hunted me down like a bird, Lord, You have pleaded the case for my soul, Repay them, O LORD, according to the work of their hands, In Your anger, pursue and destroy them from under the heavens of the LORD, David Guzik :: 1 Corintios 7 Principios Sobre el Matrimonio y la Soltera, David Guzik :: Hechos 9 La Conversin de Saulo de Tarso, David Guzik :: Apocalipsis 20 Satans, el Pecado y la Muerte son Finalmente Eliminados, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: 2 Samuel 22 El Salmo de Alabanza de David, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), The Meaning of the Cross Part 2 (Elisabeth Elliot), Spiritism: Prophecy and Astrology (Walter Martin), 2 Thessalonians 1-3 (1982-85 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 2-3 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Intro. He has bent His bow V. That afflictions are really good for us, and, if we bear them aright, will work very much for our good. Note, It is our duty to make God the portion of our souls, and then to make use of him as our portion and to take the comfort of it in the midst of our lamentations. Why should a living man complain, it was to no purpose; he remembers, upon all occasions, the affliction and the misery, the wormwood and the gall. (Lamentations 3:37-39) The God who cannot be opposed. Due thoughts of the evil of sin, and of our own sinfulness, will convince us that it is of the Lord's mercies we are not consumed. i. Do not fear: How powerful is this word when spoken by the Spirit of the Lord to a disconsolate heart. 1. Therefore I have hope. He appeals to God's knowledge of the matter of fact, how very spiteful and malicious his enemies were (v. 59): "O Lord! Our hearts must go along with our prayers. You have made us an offscouring and refuse He was so low that life seemed ebbing out, and he groaned. (Spurgeon), ii. ii. a. It has already been noticed in the introduction, that this chapter contains a triple acrostic, three lines always beginning with the same letter; so that the Hebrew alphabet is thrice repeated in this chapter, twenty-two multiplied by three being equal to sixty-six. The villages about Jerusalem. Thus sometimes God seems to be angry even against the prayers of his people (Ps 80 4), and their case is deplorable indeed when they are denied not only the benefit of an answer, but the comfort of acceptance. a. Verse 40. Verse 27. of This hindered God's favours from coming down upon them. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed Being thus humbled, and seeing himself and his sinfulness in a proper point of view, he finds that God, instead of dealing with him in judgment, has dealt with him in mercy; and that though the affliction was excessive, yet it was less than his iniquity deserved. Their taunting song all the day. (2.) We may observe throughout this chapter a struggle in the prophet's breast between sense and faith, fear and hope; he complains and then comforts himself, yet drops his comforts and returns again to his complaints, as Ps 42. I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath, He has led me and made me walk in darkness, He has been to me like a bear lying in wait, My strength and my hope have perished from the LORD, My soul still remembers and sinks within me, This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope, Through the LORDs mercies we are not consumed, The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him, It is good that he should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD, It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth, Let him give his cheek to the one who strikes him, according to the multitude of His mercies, For He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men, To turn aside the justice due a man before the face of the Most High. Yet the consideration of Gods sovereignty would also become the source of their hope. The scope of this chapter is the same with that of the two foregoing chapters, but the composition is somewhat different; that was in long verse, this is in short, another kind of metre; that was in single alphabets, this is in a treble one. Thus we may get good by former corrections and prevent further. He has mingled gravel with my bread, so that my teeth are broken with it (v. 16) and what I eat is neither pleasant nor nourishing. VII. God never hides His ear from our breathing; or from those in- articulate cries, which express, as words could not do, the deep anguish and yearning of the heart. (3.) It is good because it gives you more years to serve God. And to us who profess Christianity it may be added, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as having died for thee; and thou shalt not perish, but have everlasting life. i. It is all what God orders; every man's judgment proceeds from him. Earlier in this chapter, Jeremiah felt God was his adversary (Lamentations 3:1-18). 13 He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins. But through all of his long and faithful ministry, he was (like the Lord Jesus) despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with much grief. Dr. Blayney thinks that elyon, instead of being referred to God, should be considered as pointing out one of the chief of the people.
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