IM hoping to show this to Nickelodeon themselves someday. Time i sort out these looney superstitions once and for all!! For the next several minutes, he goes nuts around the house, trashing everything in sight. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Before Lynn's second game, when Lincoln was outside, he was in his PJ's, but when he's in the squirrel suit, he has his clothes on. The charge of bringing misfortune can feel painful, especially when its over something petty, turns your whole family crazy and even when you run with the accusation for your own selfish gain. Rita and Lynn Sr., who always seem to take the girls' side in any argument or incident where they cause all of the trouble, which leads to Lincoln getting punished for things he had little to no involvement in. Lana: (sniffles) Butthese were all our pride and joy! She whistles for Fangs. Lori: We literally should have listened to Lincoln when he confessed the truth.. Lucy: I guess it's all over. Please consider turning it on! You never let me have a say in the matter! Lynn Sr.: Is this..all of our things? Rita: Sweetie, please! Luna: We dont go to everybodys events all the time bro! Almost as good as any Ace Savvy convention. They were all happy that he was back and he was happy to be back. What's going on here?! The heat increases. Change is never easy. It's because i'm different from them! During the scene where Lynn informs Leni to not take Lincoln to her event due to Lincoln's "bad luck", Lynn's eyelashes are missing. Lincoln: I hate this! Luna: Oh! ), (They head upstairs and find all the severely burnt and destroyed rooms. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. You are a stupid bully, a coward, a nobody, a freak, a lamebrain, a beast, a disgrace, a loser and the worst sister ever and I! Back at the house later that night, Lincoln was in his room. And you lot are just too chicken to admit that there's no such thing as luck, that Lynn was just being stupid and mean and I'm supposed to be the middle child. Luan: Maybe these silly superstitions werent such a good idea. Nobody ruins my life, casts me out and then uses me, understand!? Lynn Sr.: You crushed my precious cowbell. Lincoln: (sarcastic) Oh how cute..they made that for me. Why would you ever think that? Lori: *hugs Lincoln* Of course we forgive you. Lincoln: (relaxed, talking to viewers) Finally, some peace and quiet! I only saw the girls, who were a complete mess! *Raises her fist* Unless you want to be the next! It's too broken, even for me! Rita: Lincoln, honey. Lincoln: I don't believe it! Why did we treat him so bad like this.(blubbers)we made him so furious he went and destroyed his own family's home.. Lynn: How do you like that? Lincoln brutally broke Lynn's leg and she screamed in pain. Where did you get the gall to talk to us like that!? Chapter 17 reveals that both Loud parents thought that the other one was going to explain their actions and his punishment to their son. Lynn Sr.: Son! Luna: *Furious, to Lynn* For what you did to our son figure, your dead to us, Lynn junior! Lincoln walked out of the kitchen and headed back upstairs to the bathroom. But perhaps the road to understanding can begin with a handful of souls, including the one who leveled the charge. Our family wouldn't be a family without-, (The family gets more and more heartbroken as he continues to rant.). (sighs) All because we believed in lame superstitions. Luna: *smiles, hugs Lincoln* We do. Tikki, claws out! (Both glare at each other) First you threaten me with your lousy pop stick of a baseball bat to make me come to a disgusting game thats nothing but a waste of time, than you blame me for your loss, than you help ruin my life, than youre too stupid to listen to my confession and admit that you were wrong and than at another stupid game you dont even make it up to me and you make me into some silly object! first criticism, if ah something I always hated in any media is how an older brother starts to scold and thinks he has the right to educate his younger brother and of course I always hate the way parents put the eldest in charge (It begins right after Lincoln tells Lily why he can't attend to Lily's play date and he bumps into Lisa), (It begins on a cloudy and windy day, Lincoln dressed as David Steele was playing secret agent with his friends Clyde, Stella, Liam, Zach and Rusty at Tall Timbers park, Lincoln was searching by the trees in search of his targets, he turns to the audience) Lincoln: >to audience< Greetings, this is secret agent David Steele, I'm in hot pursuit of my enemies from MALICE. Lincoln: (angry, talking to viewers) Well, it's been a while since I talked to you. Thats what my problem is! They were all happy that he was back and he was happy to be back. Lucy: Come on Fangs, we've got some repaying to do for Lincoln. I'm the youngest of three brothers and we've always loved each other very much, but if there was something that really took me off the rails, it was when one of them gave me odens I always made it clear to my family that brothers should be treated as equals and no one has authority over no one but the parents no brother has authority over the other this avoided a rivalry that we had even more me who was the most quarrelsome in the family He decided to finally hear about what they wanted. In Chapter 19, Lincoln asks Lori why they didn't just confiscate his stuff and ground him, saying that would have gotten the message through to him just fine. Theres no need for such vile, hateful behaviour, elder brother! As in, how ill knock your head over heels! Realizing his family doesn't believe him, Lincoln resorts to one last tactic. Lincoln: Alright then, call them. Rather than get angry and punish the boy, he worries for him, as Lincoln is his best student and art is his favorite class. Look, I see sweaty footprints! Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks Ronnie. Lisa: *Gasp* It's official! She then whispers them to the others and they are pretty fond on the idea. Lincoln: *Realizes what his sisters are saying now*. We really are very sorry. If you dont want to wear the squirrel costume, dont wear it. (Bursts into tears). They still thought he was mad so they decided to stop talking and let him speak. The "FIVE MINUTES LATER" time card is similar to the one from ". This family just wasn't meant to be. Lori: All that's left to do is find Lincoln Rita: Lincoln?! We messed up awfully. I bet if I was still missing, you wouldn't even care because never once did I see you guys searching for me! ), Lynn: (Screams in despair) ROASTED, BEATEN, VERBALLY THRASHED AND TOSSED INTO THE SEA BY MY ONLY BROTHER!!!! Especially Miss. They told Lincoln nothing about it yet expected him to follow it. He has his back turned to the family. Lynn Sr.: Look, son. You know why, but you're just denying it! You've hammered home your point. Kwami swap, a sequel to The Party. It's not because it's new. They are shocked beyond words.). I just hurt Lynn! Explore. Well, good luck because like I said, you're wasting your time! Who's with me? Leni: Linky, dont shout. In Chapter 20, when Lynn Sr. destroys a notebook, he thinks it's Luna's, apologizes to her and says he will replace it. When Lincoln reveals himself to his family, he states since Lynn won the game while he was present this means he isn't bad luck. Before anything could happen, she left the room slowly. *Bops her nose*, The eight of them are about to leave, but the other four sisters, except Lynn, stop them.*. But i didnt expect to be ejected from the house and lose everything i had! All you're trying to do is to get me to become "family" again so you can act like nothing happened! (Holds up her guitar. Lori: (whisper) Let's hope it works. You locked me out of my room, sold all my furniture and made me into a thing!! Lincoln: (sigh) I'm gonna be honest too. Lori: *sad* Did you hear him say he "faked" being bad luck? Because of Lynn Jr.'s stupid Superstition, it ended up tearing her entire family apart. Until you guys sort this out, until you stop being the worst family ever, I want nothing more to do with you guys. You going to dress me up as a chipmunk or a donkey!? This won't make you feel better. Cartoons Loud House. You cast me out of your lives, well fine, I don't want you all in my life anymore either! NOTHING!! -Hello Lucy, did you really think wouldn't find you?- -Hello Rob, I knew you would come, but I prefer that it be the Grim Reaper who takes my soul- My disgust for them is almost as strong as Edwin's lust for blood. Rita: You think you can go to the movieswithout us? He likes thoses! Rita: Please, sweetie! I understand you don't want to forgive me. She doesn't yell or threaten her like an aggressive big sister, After everything he went through, a simple "I'm sorry" won't cut it, No Rest for the Wicked (Kookywood / Jade Thunderhoof). Lincoln: FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! Its a stupid mascot costume! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek for her gratitude*, Ronnie Anne: *blushes from what her boyfriend said*, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Laney: *smile at the sweet scene*, Ronnie: *Blushes* Thanks Lincoln. What makes you think we have no love or care? Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House) Lori Loud; Lisa Loud; Leni Loud; Sam Sharp; Episode: s02e08a No Such Luck; Summary. You didn't know the truth until it was too late. Luna: Well, I guess this is a bad time to give these to him then. But you wanna believe it! : Hi Carol,.. : Hi Linky, Can I call you Linky? That's when I realized I can't be mad forever and I finally let go. Lori: Alright, we're sticking with the idea. Lana: (tearful) He might tell everyone in town and everyone will hate us. You didn't deserve to win that stupid game or any game! I hope you enjoyed the story and i'll be making my next one very soon. Perhaps i was wrong to fall for such a deception, even for my age group. Lincoln: AND I NEVER, EVER WANT TO SEE YOU UNLUCKY CHICKENS IN MY LIFE AGAIN!!! Lincoln: Well, this was cool. You kicked me out, you boarded up my room, you sold all MY stuff, you made me miserable, you left me outside like an animal, all over a load of rubbish that you should have known was fake, you forced me to dress up like a squirrel just for good luck that WASN'T!! Hahahaha, For once Lincoln slightly chuckles at her joke, making her happy, They all enter vanzilla and head off to the amusement park. You brought me back and I couldn't be any happier. He just played on Lynn superstition and couldn't help himself and used the family superstition to get them to leave him alone. Who do you think you are, calling us names and insulting us like that!? In Chapter 19, Lori tells Lincoln that the whole family, sans Lynn Jr., knew he was lying about being bad luck. *furiously punches Lynn multiple times*. Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks babe. (The rest of the family is enjoying their time with beach activities) Lincoln: (takes off his sunglasses, deeply annoyed) But unfortunately only when i'm . So either stop all this luck nonsense for good, get my furniture back, start acting normal again, or I'm gone! I dont want to support you psychos! They all look at movies and they come onto an agreement for what they should see. Lincoln then brought his arms back, suggesting a family hug. Ronnie: *Furious* Oh, no words?! Lynn Sr. and Rita were arrested and put on probation for neglect. Now, let me make this clear! This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Lincoln: (sarcastic) I know, shocker! Rita: He's in his room if you want to give them to him. Lincoln spends his days playing video games, reading comics, and drinking milk straight out of the jug. Just say you don't care about me! The most common, and obvious, thing being his ashen white hair which adorned a turkey tail on the left side of his head, another being his chipped buck teeth, even being the sole boy in a family with ten girls all of various ages and personalities. Ive covered for you guys, ive done you all favours, ive gotten you out of trouble, ive spent time with you and this is how you all repay me!?!? Luan: We're sorry we sold all your stuff! Completed timmyturner supernatural kazutokirigiya +16 more #3 .by Like and Vote !! While Rita seems to have favored her daughters unintentionally through ignorance, there is evidence Lynn Sr. is doing this knowingly. At the Santiago household* Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Laney, Lily, Ronnie are inside the house*. Lisa: (sighs in humiliation) Me neither..falling for some dumb superstition, despite always taking pride in science and not curses!! Lana - Her alligator-wrestling competition. WE PRETENDED AS WELL! We get it. While out for an evening walk, Carol comes across Lincoln trying to sleep in his own front yard; after finding out why he's been kicked out, she can't help but step in. Rita: I'll stay here and keep an eye on Lincoln. Some sisters those ghouls are. Lincoln: (whisper) We'll talk when this is done. Ive often helped feed your pets and come to your stunt moves. You know why! You didn't even let me explain anything! Lynn Sr.: He wrecked our trophy case to!? Lincoln may be angry with his sisters and parents for what they did, but felt like splitting them is too much of a punishment, and doesn't want to see his family getting broken up because of it. Because of this, Lincoln sneaks his way out of the kitchen, and next to the staircase. Was Was Lola claiming him responsible for whatever had transpired after they all woke up? This is an alternative version of Luan Goes Too Far by OXYD on, when Lori overheard Luan getting grounded when until she puts a stop to it . He rolled his eyes and picked it up. Luan: Yeah, our luck has just run out! Lincoln: I've had enough of this stupid costume! (Smacks her hard. Leni: (sniffles) I miss him so bad. You guys can't even tell the truth in front of your own child! EVER!! Lynn Sr.: I guess we brought this on ourselves.. (They arrive home. They suddenly feel saddened, guilty, broken and worried.). Bad luck never happened before when he was there..but he said all we do is just mess things up..we really are the worst family ever Rita: We're sorry kids. Thank you so much! He has sunken eyes, drool dripping from his mouth, his hair is ruffled, he's grasping onto a cushion, surrounded by bottles of water, his skin is very dry. Im sick of everything thats happened to me! Now this is not part of my fanfiction Loud House Revamped. I HOPE YOU ALL CHOKE ON THE SEAWATER!!!! Do you have any sense of care? We wont! He really doesn't like us at all does he? NOTE: I apologise to those who hate NSL fics, but ive really wanted to get this off my chest. Once again, you don't even let me explain why I don't have "bad luck"! Lori: Well we got some good news and bad news. Later, in jail). I have failed as a human being. The sisters slowly followed him upstairs and stopped in the middle of the hall. I tried to make it as comical as i could. Lynn: (low voice) Maybe it's because we keep bothering him Everyone notices the change in Lynn's voice and face her. Although Lincoln tries to evade out of this, he's forced into coming by Lynn. When Marinette accidentally utters Chat Noirs transformation spell things get messy. Pinterest. You're all just worthless wastes of life! Lisa: (whisper) And this day only has 18 hours, 52 minutes and 10 seconds left, so we better make it count. You dug your own graves, just as I dug mine. The sisters then walk into the house to hear the slam and to see the parent's devastated faces. Maybe they'll calm him down. My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Lynn: Put that suit back on Lincoln! Lincoln: (angry) You're now blaming the sisters?! Lynn Sr: (nervous) That wasn't us that kicked you out, that was the sisters! Maybe Mom and Dad can help with one of them. Lynn's lip started trembling and he started blinking rapidly. Even if I did have a "brother", you would still go with the sisters because they out number me! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lynn Sr.: I can't believe we messed up so bad like this! Lucy: (shedding tears) Me too. I cant believe you all locked me outside and sold all my things! Lynn: But you overdid it bro. It's my first ever one shot I've done. I still remember when I was younger, my brother decided to give me an order in an authoritarian tone and I literally punched his nose hard They'll do anything to either cheer me up or to make me forgive them. And you smashed our family photo! Watch. He does need some space. (Luna gasps) You all dont quite grasp the concept! 7.6K1658 You all ruined my life, so I just made you guys miserable. And it's YOUR faults! Thats not how it works! Luan: *guilty* Lincoln, I know what we did was wrong, and we're sorry. Lori: *Furious to Lola* Why don't you SHUT THE HELL UP, Lola?! Lincoln then comes out of the bathroom and sees them all in a circle. My team needs that! We get it. You threw us into the sea. They watch the movie for an hour and a half. Lola: Hey, Lincoln! If it's ok with you. I blamed him for his bad luck, I didn't hang out with him when he was bored and I used him as a kickball! It was stupid of me to blame my only brother who had nothing to do with our lost that day. Whats next? You called my softball games stupid. It's like you suddenly hate me now. He convinces Leni that his presence might cause something to go wrong, and Leni immediately believes him. Will the girls realize that they have been treating Lincoln horribly and make things right, or will he come to resent them for good? Lola: *Gasp* My lovely car! Rita: Well.yeah. Lori: Wellthat's everything for tonight. Luna: I can't believe we made him feel as if we can't feel anymore or that we don't love and care for him. Lucy: This was all just a complete tragedy and not in a good way. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lincoln: *To Ronnie, Leni, Lucy, Laney Lori & Luna* Hold on guys, there's something I need to get. (With his remaining strength, he scrambles over to the house. Leni: I don't wanna. Lincoln: So where did this looney belief that i was bad luck suddenly come from, huh!? Lincoln was about to rip the note but then thought about it. He was finally happy. Lincoln: (sarcastic) I see that your planning something! It's not looking so good! Ronnie: *Smiles* Anything for my boyfriend/future husband & future sister in law. This causes her to wake up, and. despite Lori disliking being so harsh on her siblings, she felt it is necessary to keep them in line. Any bad luck? His skin was nice and clean, his rashes having been treated, and it was its usual color again. It was originally created as a means to sort out conflicts between the five older Loud kids without dragging their baby brother into a fight. Ten minutes later, they arrive to the theater. In keeping with the comic theme of the show, there's a "THWACK" onomatopoeia, when the batter during the first game hits the ball. (Holds him up). They wouldn't think to look there! In Chapter 24, Luna is at the mall and sees a drawing tablet that she wants to get Lincoln, but it costs the same amount as the tickets for a concert that she and Sam want to go to. Lynn's team, the Squirrels, is leading 30, unfortunately, the next four pitches causes the rival team to score four runs, causing the Squirrels to lose 34. However this lead them to. Remember the clogged toliet a while ago? Luna: (whisper) Well, we can't just give up over some pancakes. why the family didn't confront him and punish him. Lincoln: (livid) You're wrong! Lana: What did you expect us to do Lincoln? HATE! However, the Squirrels are struggling to win the game. A few minutes later, Lincoln wakes up. And arrange for several fire-fighters and workmen to clean up this mess. . Lincoln: Now THAT'S bad luck for you, you brainless nitwits!! Lola: *sees Lincoln, screams* GET HIM OUT OF HERE! his body was overloading itself, if it continued like this he would surely get sick They manage to stay calm and start talking again. At least this thick skin won't let me down! You took it too far! Lincoln: Just come out and say you don't love me. Lori realizes during Lincoln's rant that the Sister Fight Protocol has gaping holes in it. "No Such Luck" is the fourteenth episode of the second season and the sixty-sixth episode of The Loud House. He backs up and rolls towards them fast as a bowling ball. They go flying, screaming in terror and splash into the seawater.). Ronnie Anne: *smiles* I'd be happy to let you live with me and Bobby. It was me who was at the wrong place at the wrong time! I was stupid to say that they were not my family. Lucy: Well, you covered for me and saved me from all this non-stop torment. Language: English Words: 1,686 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 3 Hits: 122 Youve ruined my life and made me look like a melting snow cone!! His family didn't hesitate and ran into his arms. He helped hold us all together and outings just won't be the same without Lincoln. (The rest of the family is enjoying their time with beach activities), Lincoln: (takes off his sunglasses, deeply annoyed) But unfortunately only when im in the squirrel suit(puts the head back on), (Several moments pass. They get themselves popcorn and go towards the posters for the movies.
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