PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Transition the developed tool and capability to the Government for implementation on fleet aircraft. Overall size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements of the system should be minimized. This environment should be able use the synthetic data to simulate different scenarios for AL/ML training and validation. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). Demonstrate the key attributes of the concept feasibility to meet the Navy needs. The device should be a complete, fieldable product, including but not limited to electronics, sensor head, laser, etc. Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws. Go to the bottom of the page and click the DoD SBIR 23.2 tab. Experimental platforms to study blast injury. APL Photonics 5, 020903 (2020). For use the string specified in the Issued To field of the certificate. KEYWORDS: Language; Translation; Device, Software, Taiwan, Hokkien, Low Density Language, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Renewable Energy Generation and Storage; Advanced Materials There is currently nothing on the commercial market that can solve this issue. On OSX, the command is "echo $?" PHASE I: Validate the product-market fit between the proposed solution and the proposed topic and define a clear and immediately actionable plan for running a trial with the proposed solution and the proposed AF customer. DLA Small Business Innovation Programs web site: The confining potential determines the normal mode frequencies of vibration of a chain of trapped ions; typical rf resonant circuits (Q = 200 500) apply a single frequency in the 10 100 MHz range with an rf amplitude of approximately 250 500 volts, depending on the ion trap. Dillon, J. E., Flanagan, J. Wang, K.C.P., Elements of automated survey of pavements and a 3D methodology," in Journal of Mondern Transportation, Vol. REFERENCES: OBJECTIVE: Develop rubidium and cesium vapor cells with a thin rectangular geometry that are compatible with the excitation of Rydberg atomic states. Aerospace Standard ARP6318: Verification of discrete and packaged photonic device technology readiness. In the commercial sector, the technology has applications in the healthcare industry, financial sectors, and security services. Progress made in Phase I and Phase II should result in the ability to produce to DoD orders and organic growth of business from there. The objective of this topic is to develop a method for calibrating HSI systems for vapor mass quantification of plumes with different backgrounds to increase measurement accuracy and provide estimates of measurement uncertainty. These specs must be met under environmental test conditions consisting of: To reduce the negative effects and influence of adversarial participants in the network interaction, the Navy requires the development and demonstration of a highly-secured, decentralized, permissionless, and immutable network system protocol to integrate with the manned aerial platform's Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL). Cisco AnyConnect. Army Engineers shall conduct the final demonstration in a field environment with a relevant tactical scenario, such as a route reconnaissance mission. See the Pulse Secure Desktop Client Supported Platforms Guide. o Hyperlink to MANET radio GUI PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III is any proposal that Derives From, Extends or Completes a transition from a Phase I or II project. Optical Society of America. KEYWORDS: Bridge; bridging; gap; crossing; maneuver; mobility; transportable, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Sustainment;Trusted AI and Autonomy mTBI is often accompanied by intracranial hemorrhage and hematoma containing oxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) and deoxygenated Hb (deoxyHb), that are detectable by NIRS [3]. Additional details will be provided to firm once selected. The selected contractor must be able to acquire and maintain a secret level facility and Personnel Security Clearances. 7195-7206, 15 March15, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3045461 ROS - Robotic Operating System (Open Source). Avoid areas that have already been well-explored (e.g., using topology optimization to design single-function structure) without adding significant novel value. The repair program does not . Please see note in the Description paragraph. 10. Identify canonical scramjet design and vehicle geometry to be used in Phase II for analysis and validation. Research and Development efforts selected under this topic shall demonstrate and involve a degree of risk where the technical feasibility of the proposed work has not been fully established. By increasing the revisit rates to multiple revisits per day information characterizing rapid change or unusual activity can be captured. Documentation should include all relevant information including, but not limited to: technical reports, test data, prototype designs/models, and performance goals/results. Show optical subassembly design compatibility with fiber-optic inputs and receiver circuits. While the sound difference in the legacy USMC plate is audibly distinctly different between a delaminated and non-delaminated plate, the newest plate fielded by the USMC does not produce an easily identifiable sound difference between good and bad plate conditions. The larger MBE can leverage this data in downstream processes such as production, quality assurance, and logistics to consume part-specific manufacturing information in new, innovative ways. 12. 4. M. R. Brust and B. M. Strimbu, "A networked swarm model for UAV deployment in the assessment of forest environments," 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015, pp. 8. Microsoft. 2. In this effort, we seek to develop III-V linear mode avalanche photodiodes which are capable of linear gain and short response times to enable detection and ranging of man-sized objects. OBJECTIVE: Expand the Small Business Manufacturer (SBM) base to address the Agency's need to develop qualified sources of supply for aerospace bearing applictions to improve DLA product availability, provide competition for reduced lead time and cost, as well as address lifecycle performance issues. DESCRIPTION: A complete integrated photonics toolset requires optical isolators and circulators. Phase III proposal Submission. Marine Corps Tap and Torque Tests for ESAPI plates. Youtube, Work in Phase II may become classified. PHASE I: Develop, initial design, and demonstrate the feasibility of a mesh-networked floating communications payload and design. It is acknowledged that some commercially available industry 4.0 technologies may not provide a return on investment (ROI) or value proposition throughout the DLA enterprise of DCs due to mission operational tempo and location. Systems that generate in-scene reference plumes should be capable of using DIMP or other common simulant materials. A third deliverable is a schematic description of the data acquisition process and software for each task. (2019, September 30). 9. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106967. Design and develop a model for the interaction of the technology in the system to ensure stable and reliable delivery of information, as well as when organizing interaction between objects of mobile edge computing and the infrastructure of the operators network core. 3. KEYWORDS: Machine Learning, Ground Platforms, Threat Identification, Survivability, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Advanced Computing and Software Any modifications to the final processed image must not impact or reduce its exploitation potential. These items may also require a qualification of a Representative Article. US Army Research laboratory at DEVCOM has developed a tool called "Operational Requirements-based Casualty Assessment (ORCA) Model" but it is not operational. Express, vol. ; Wang, W.; Zhang, H.T. (2014, June 29). The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract. The GUI will be further modified based on the end-user requests. KEYWORDS: ZERO TRUST, DEVICE, RISK, TRUST, BYOD, CYBERSECURITY, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Integrated Sensing and Cyber 1. In the commercial market, north-finding would be useful for surveyors to obtain accurate measurements of landmark positions or on ships as an alternative to larger navigation tools currently in use. 4. A final demonstration of the prototype system will be done at an open test range with aircraft. Applied 13, 054034 (2020) - Vapor-Cell-Based Atomic Electrometry for Detection Frequencies below 1 kHz ( Pulse Secure VPN may collect personal information. REFERENCES: PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Finalize the developed automatic inflation device technology and provide a technical data package including a performance specification, an interface control document, and engineering drawings in accordance with military standards. Nevertheless, transforming DLAs DCs into smart warehouses is anticipated to gain efficacies whenever possible via automation for labor-intensive warehouse tasks, thereby creating warehouse operations that are more cost-effective and efficient. All data collected during the demonstration and analysis of the system will be included in the final report along with a users manual and a data package on all critical system components. 1254-1260, doi: 10.1109/ICUAS.2016.7502513. The main goal of the resulting technology is to protect the musculoskeletal health of naval aviators, increase their mission endurance, and to reduce the incidence of low back injuries. The combination of these factors contribute to the uncertainty associated with each measurement. OBJECTIVE: Develop and validate a software tool compatible with various hardware systems that will allow military end users to analyze, store, and share photo and video data. Provide a report that documents the design of the prototype system, results of system performance and results of material testing for the three alloys. IR seekers have long been the preferred method of homing in the short-range class of weapons, while RF has remained the preferred method for medium-to- long-range weapons. IMPORTANT: For SOCOM instructions: please visit: The technology will also need to be applicable and scalable to different applications to improve reliability throughout Navy engine platforms. If the issue persists, contact These laboratories have uses for microwaves beyond those considered in this SBIR, for example [7-8]. Battery shall have >70% of its nominal capacity after 300 full discharge / discharge cycles 4. Provide a Phase II development plan with performance goals and key technical milestones, and that will address technical risk reduction. Never in my time have I witnessed such a bloody awful user experience in my entire professional life. N. Short, S. Hu, P. Gurram, K. Gurton, A. Chan, Improving cross-modal face recognition using polarimetric imaging, Optics Letters vol. Clearly identify any additional specific stakeholders beyond the end users who will be critical to the success of any potential trial. Sticky foam disperser/launcher device (ex. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The quantum information science industry extends well beyond DoD research settings, with many existing laboratories in DoD, academic, and private industry contexts (for example, [6] contains a listing of trapped ion research groups around the world). S. Das and B. Chakraborty, "Design and Realization of an Optical Rotary Sensor," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. Please see note in the Description paragraph. The demonstration will result in a relavant display of data in the ATAK CBRNI. Habas, B., AlAttar, B., Davis, B., Langelaan, J.W., Cheng, B., Optimal Inverted Landing in a Small Aerial Robot with Varied Approach Velocities and Landing Gear Designs, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, May 2022. Staying the Course Maintaining the Path to Advanced Marine Corps EMSO. Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance. 2741, pp. PHASE I: For a Direct to Phase II topic, the Government expects that the small business would have accomplished the following in a Phase I-type effort and developed a concept for a workable prototype or design to address, at a minimum, the basic requirements of the stated objective above. 3. This error code would occur if you tried to suspend or resume a connection that was disconnected. Required vapor masses range from 10s of grams to 10s of kilograms, and the absolute differential between ambient and background thermal backgrounds in the LWIR range from 1 C to 15 C. The SBM proposal should reflect timeline, statement of work, and costs associated with producing a Source Approval Request (SAR) and (if applicable) qualification of a Representative Article. PHASE II: Based on the design criteria established during the Phase I, the candidate will procure all necessary components to assemble, test, and demonstrate a fully functional prototype device. Science. An ASIC is the smallest SWaP and typically lowest noise solution but has a high barrier to entry as it includes high non-recurring engineering costs and long wait times, due to the business model of IC foundries. AFRL/RITQ - Ion References and Useful Links. 2. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III will fully integrate the system and include networking into a common operating picture and provide alarming (both personnel and distributed) KEYWORDS: Navigation; north-finding; MEMS; orientation. (3) Determine the feasibility of integrating multiple layers of EM skins on top of one another either to enable two separate RF functionalities or to extend the bandwidth of the original EM skin design. 9. ncLVSM use when mounted on an UAV, to provide an unmanned triage capability, is another application for both the military and civilian markets. Operational prototypes developed with other than SBIR funds that are provided at the end of Phase I feasibility studies will not be considered in deciding what firm(s) will be selected for Phase II. KEYWORDS: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; taskable trajectory platforms; Inventory Management; Fixed Trajectory; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning. Delivery will include a cooler/dewar as needed, electronic controls, and input/output optics. Determined the feasibility of the technology meeting Risk Management Framework guidelines [Ref 7] to support cybersecurity compliance outlined in Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) and published in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-171 Protecting Unclassified Information in Non-federal Information Systems and Organizations [Ref 8]. In 2020 IEEE SENSORS (pp. 2. Optical isolation in both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarizations has been demonstrated in these platforms [Ref 5]. Progress made in Phase I and Phase II should result in the ability to produce to DoD orders and organic growth of business from there. Typically the goal of Phase II is to expand the number of NSNs and/or to build capability to expand capacity to better fulfill DLA requirements. REFERENCES: 2.Move back the date of your PC before the 10 April. Microsoft Rocket for Live Video Analytics. Mil Med 184(5-6) e233-41 (2019). Battle field or weapon testing experience is preferred. 3) A regulatory strategy that reflects a clear plan on how FDA clearance will be obtained. The prototypes should be delivered by the end of Phase II. 5. The next decade in AI: Four steps toward robust artificial intelligence. (o) operate after exposure to 600-knot windblast, While this topic does call for sensors operating in specific bands, the overall architecture should be open, with the end prototype having the ability to swap-in and out or add additional sensors. Phase II Machine Performance Accuracy: Structured Data Translation and Distillation - Accuracy 95% over 95% captured content; Unstructured Data Translation and Distillation Accuracy 90% over 95% captured content. G. Klein, et al. Mod. DESCRIPTION: Small unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) have demonstrated the ability to autonomously plan trajectories that allow them to maneuver through tight spaces [1], precisely land on moving platforms [2], and even perch onto various targets in the environment (poles, rods, cables, walls, tree branches, etc.) Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to a market leader online security solution for enterprises: Pulse Secure VPN. Binh, L N. (2017). Z. Xiaoning, "Analysis of military application of UAV swarm technology," 2020 3rd International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), 2020, pp. 4. The appropriate acquisition program office will be consulted for any additional evaluation metrics needed for Phase III. Develop a network infrastructure and perform testing to explore the limits of operational reliability and latency. The Navy is interested in studying bandwidth-efficient modulation schemes, intended to increase the amount of information that the Navy could transmit within its constraints. Matthews et al. Medics need to be able to identify what an injury is as well as know how to treat it. There are a number of factors that impact the accuracy of a measurement such as the environment in which the measurement is taken, the system taking the measurement (such as a Coordinate Measurement Machine [CMM]), and the way the dimension was defined in the Technical Data Package. Demonstrate the feasibility of the solution and delay time of effective operation from activation. Prepare a report to ONR detailing the IFN design(s) complete with a Phase II testing plan. The Seven Ways to Find Heading. KEYWORDS: Photonic integrated circuits; optical; isolation; magneto-optics; spatio-temporal; telecom; photonics, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Microelectronics;Nuclear;Space Technology Total system volume (including any inertial stabilization) less than 40 L We would like to make this proposal to send a signal to the acquisition community to be aware of this urgent request. Identify limits of operating conditions, such as NCT environmental conditions, weather, aircraft dynamics, and sensor requirements. IMPORTANT: For SOCOM instructions: please visit: S. Yeom, D.-S. Lee, Y. Jang, M.-K. Lee, and S.-W. Jung, Real-time concealed-object detection and recognition with passive millimeter wave imaging, Opt. Additional testing and/or analysis may be needed to verify reliability, robustness, etc.; The prototype should include a detailed interface design that would allow a systems integrator to easily incorporate the north-finding technology into its system. 4, December 2010. The following example shows a command to use Pulse Launcher to specify a cookie (-d) for a specific Pulse server (-url): pulselauncher.exe d 12adf234nasu234 -url, 2700 Zanker Road, Suite 200, Transparent Screen Market is Anticipated to Progress, 2/19/23 7, pp. 8. 5. Ship recognition requires significant examples to train the classifiers, but obtaining suitable training data is very time consuming, expensive, and impossible in many instances. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 13, 5468 (2021). REFERENCES: Quantification of both variables is essential to assessing the total potential exposure to a local population as well as to estimating how far a plume is expected to propagate in the environment. 1. DoDEA administrative instruction 8510.01: Risk management framework for DoDEA information technology. The recent proliferation of collision avoidance radar systems within the automotive industry has created a huge market for millimeter wave components, bringing production to scale and driving down prices. Develop the Autonomous Narrow and Confined Convoy Operations system for evaluation to determine its effectiveness in an operationally relevant environment. (2018, August). IEEE. IMPORTANT: For SOCOM instructions: please visit: To date, the effort has been focused on virtual reality (VR) to provide students an immersive, lower cost platform capable of practicing procedures before doing them in the aircraft, better preparing them for flight events, which in turn allows flight events to focus on higher complexity or more difficult scenarios. I'm tired and exhausted. Examples include active imaging, multispectral/hyperspectral imaging, target designation, free-space communications, laser spectroscopy for chemical/biological/explosives sensing, laser/beacon detection, and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This may be caused by McAfee more specifically the McAfee Endpoint Manager blocking access to files. The prototype will be evaluated to determine its capability in meeting the performance goals defined in the Phase II development plan and the Marine Corps requirements for Autonomous Narrow and Confined Space Convoy Operations. PHASE I: Conduct a feasibility study to assess what is in the art of the possible that satisfies the requirements specified in the above paragraphs entitled Objective and Description. Once the correct COTS/GOTS solutions are identified, a lab bench style integration will be conducted followed by a live demonstration that validates the the propoased approach while establishing the feasibility of the chosen configuration of integrated components. KEYWORDS: RISC-V, seL 4, high assurance, softcore procressor, FPGA, computer architecture, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Microelectronics "''?M3jL:R?Q4}d7nJk[7sHHPffge$|=jL In addition to a possible reduction in SWaP characteristics, the fiber cables themselves are inherently immune to EMI/EMP, whereas copper has to be shielded in order to reduce the effect to acceptable levels. 4. (2003). Fittings are also susceptible to high-cycle fatigue that can lead to failure, as such, the design should consider installation stresses coupled with the aerospace environment of high temperature and vibration. For the Phase I proposal, research team shall describe the feasibility (1)-(6) of developing a continuous time spectrum situational awareness system for UAS applications. (a) must operate on connectors attached to WRAs, and disconnect panels meet SAE AS50881, Section 3.7.1., Demonstrate in-app essential analytical tools, including dimensions of obstacles. The JIFCO supports the Joint Forces across the Competition Continuum and presents Intermediate Force Capability (IFC) relevance for contemporary operations - including irregular warfare (IW). Optimization would determine the ideal manufacturing processees that can meet desired property specifications used in military applications. The physiology and pathology of blast injuries have been thoroughly studied. These task suggestions are notional, and all qualifying and reasonable proposals will be considered. 2, pp. o 32 GB DDR4 RAM Installing Pulse Client using Pulse Secure Application Launcher for the first time using Safari (macOS): Login to the PCS server using the user name and password given by the administrator. The optical subassemblies should be compatible with 50 m core OM4 multimode optical fiber inputs, and 10 Gbps, 25 Gbps, 40 Gbps, 50 Gbps, and 100 Gbps receiver electronic circuits. Transition the technology to the fleet as a retrofit, and new procurements as required. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. DESCRIPTION: Quantum sensors have demonstrated the ability to surpass classical sensors in areas such as clocks [1], Rydberg sensors [2], and magnetometers [3]. Develop an ISLs concept for a low latency secure data delivery capability between earth observation satellites and the Government. o 1 TB SSD Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws. KEYWORDS: rotary angle sensor; encoder; rotary resolver; capacitance encoder; optical encoder; inductive encoder; magnetic encoder; ultrasonic encoder, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Microelectronics;Nuclear "Global forecast impact of low data latency infrared and microwave sounders observations from polar orbiting satellites." 21. OWL allows for the description of classes and logical relationships in an ontology for use by machines. solar power) have the potential to contribute to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 priorities, while offering improved installation resiliency. Demonstrate and evaluate their technical feasibility. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from This one fixes the crashes occurring with several games/apps. Define a test plan that will be used in Phase II to test the rotary encoder that exceeds the accuracy requirement listed. DTIC. Pulse Secure Collaboration Client is not supported on a Mac PowerPC. Synthetically create a multi-modal data corpus that can be used to train Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Algorithms to support multi-Intelligence (multi-INT) data fusion and machine intelligence. 18. Manage continual input from the physical system to the Digital Twin (DT). Details are listed in Windows Supported Platforms. AR has the potential to provide more efficient and effective training for undergraduate pilots to increase their capabilities during flight events while reducing resource requirements. With the ability to execute any syllabus maneuvers in a VR device, NATN training has rapidly shown to be more efficient while also building higher quality pilots [Ref 5]. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. REFERENCES: Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. Terzic, J., Nagarajah, R., & Alamgir, M. (2009). Due to the devices small size and likely modest price, the main target for the product is the mass commercial market, i.e. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. Review of passive imaging polarimetry for remote sensing. Potential transition platforms include the MQ-8C Fire Scout, MQ-4C Triton, MQ-25A Stingray, P-8A Poseidon, and Future Vertical Lift. Challenges with SpaceNet 4 off-nadir satellite imagery: Look angle and target azimuth angle, Medium, 9-Nov 2018. This feasibility study should: 17. o 1TB SSD DLA Aviation SAR Package instructions. Schafer, J.R. Buck, "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Prentice Hall; 2 edition (January 10, 1999). (ICASSP '03)., 2003, pp. The following command is a simple login application that captures the credentials the user enters, and passes the credentials as arguments to pulselauncher.exe: pulselauncher.exe -u JDoe -p my$Pass84 -url -r Users. OBJECTIVE: Develop polarimetric SWIR camera system with incorporated artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI&ML) capability for enhanced target detection/identification, and tracking of swarming UAVs. The Navy has a specific need to develop a unique set of guard banding rules and measurement uncertainty principles based on part criticality as opposed to cost. 4. REFERENCES: However, this time, it doesnt really matter. A major hurdle in overcoming these issues is the size and construction of typical laser systems associated with the quantum sensors. 1-19. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. The human subject volunteers should represent a range of cultural backgrounds exhibiting different hair pigments and other hair qualities.
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