Bryce, a gravedigger who can supposedly use an extra hour when time stands still for everyone else. "10/10- Jan Siery, Finger Guns, "an extremely polished text adventure that you absolutely must experience. The game interprets your input and responds by spitting out a full-motion video reply from the subject. For example, reviewer John Walker said that the game's parser misunderstands some obvious questions, though he felt that game remains "often very interesting" despite its limitations. OR No, I won't call them. You never saw the prescription pad but you were given sleeping pills? She then accuses you of being the "sick one". I think you lack a little bit of self confidence. Was it Dr Dekker's idea for you to shift? Are you going to pretend to be Hilda's daughter tonight? OR Yes, I would want to spend it asleep. Jaya's intervention ending is the first insanity rung - which is quite difficult to get unless you just turn people amber with no further questions. No, I didn't know Dr Dekker. Why didn't you want Dekker put in the ground? Why is it hard to find someone who can use a shovel? their sessions with Dr. Dekker only made their symptoms worse, since they feel he had characteristics of a. Why have you been picked up for public nudity? Packed with sci-fi and fantasy ideas Text-based parser can be picky continue reading below continue reading below Stevens R. Miller Which of my patients claim psychokinesis? Keyshops are usually cheaper than official stores and will help you save money. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker is a Lovecraftian FMV murder mystery, which gives players full freedom to question suspects by typing their own questions or by picking from a. I for one never played the game. No, I don't want you to teleport. Hello, Xbox fans! There are no point and click puzzles to solve, just questions to ask and evidence to inspect. One small decision can change the entire outcome of the whole story, and there are over 180 decision points and seven endings. You live the same day over and over again? Ask a fan of the genre, and they'll tell you it's part of the allure. Finding out who killed Dr. Dekker might be simple, but cleaning up the mess he left behind not so much. The players have only a limited amount of time during a single playthrough, meaning they have to go all over again from scratch after failing. - 1600+ full screen HD video responses. This Microsoft subscription gives players access to an extensive amount of different games, including FMVs. The house is a perk. ; Infectious Insanity: Practically name-dropped in the title. Have you killed anyone in the midnight hour? You said Dekker's prescription pad went missing? Instead I watched Dansgaming play it and saw his ending. MULTIPLE STORIES - 6 main suspects and 5 side-quests inc. John Guilor (, RANDOM MURDERER - Chosen at the start of the game to combat spoilers, SIMPLE UI - View evidence, make notes, watch replays, see your question history, ACHIEVEMENTS - Steam achievements and a dynamic descriptive rating system, GUINNESS WORLD RECORD - for "The most Full Motion Video (FMV) in a videogame". Do you believe what Alderby said about chaos? OR Yes, I have read the book. Why would someone send psychokinetic patients here? OR No, there are not too many religions to pick from. The player sees full-motion videos of characters who were patients of Doctor Dekker. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker is an extremely polished text adventure that you absolutely must experience. The story branches at many different points, and as thitsole experience takes only around two hours, it's worth checking all the other possible outcomes of our actions. Or you can surrender to curiosity and madness and use the keyboard to try to find all their responses. IF YOU TOLD HER NOT TO KILL DAVID IN ACT 4: What happened with Anoushka? What do you know about the missing people? That's first. Show items tagged with all of the selected terms: Click here to learn more about Steam Guides. YOU are a psychiatrist, trying to solve a murder whilst treating the unusual patients of the recently deceased Doctor Dekker. Become a part of the interactive movie with those FMV games! Finally updated with Elin's questions, thank you Yijel! Writersand designers behind The Witcher, SOMA, and the Broken Sword seriescrafted the plot, so you're guaranteed an excellent story. No, you shouldn't kill David. Why is it weird the paper spike was used? Yes, I can help you. . She does not seem to realize how this can be manipulative. [12] Nintendo Life criticized the game's continuity errors. Almost all my insanity points come from the optional guests. OR No, I can't help you. Do you think Dr Dekker committed suicide? Unless she turns out to be the killer, that is. What do you mean by frittering his time away? Or create your own and share your tips with the community. Yes, this is a dream. Why do you wish you were still religious? I don't think you're insane. OR Yes, I did make it up. [IF YOU SAID IT WAS WRONG] What don't we understand? OR No, I'm not happy. Why didn't you want Dekker put in the ground? What do you think about our list of games with actors? Sign in to add your own tags to this product. beheads the reanimated David with an axe. In sessions with each patient, you interact by typing questions or comments into a text box. Try out those high-end PC games to squeeze everything out of RTX 4090! OR Yes, it's okay to steal things. Did Petra ask you to set fire to Providence? IF YOU SAID YES: It is time to kill David. What can you tell me about Dekker's patients? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Do you think you might be seeing David's ghost? Did you see Dr Dekker's prescription pad? They are both called FMV games or interactive movies. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Yes, I think you're a killer. [3][4], The full identity of the playable character is not known except for the fact they are a replacement psychiatrist. Most of the achievements in this game are based around playing the game a certain amount of time or asking a certain amount of questions, rather than solving specific problems. Howevedont you don't have a keyboard, there's an option for switching to regular, multiple-choice format. Pick from our suggested list. You may start seeing things, or find creepy messages in your notes. Iris says she wasn't the girl in the basement. At one point, you get stuck alongside him. Have you seen Dr Dekker's prescription pad? The game was initially released for Microsoft Windows and macOS via Steam before being published on consoles by British game publishing studio, Wales Interactive.[1][2]. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker was developed by D'Avekki Studios and published by Wales Interactive. Yes, I think you're a suspect. The game allows us to see the footage from all of the movies as well as some of the behind-the-scenes footage. No, don't take them up on their offer. You can play it safe, ask only the scripted questions, and finish with your sanity intact (well, mostly). Why do other people's dreams affect your relationships? crime of killing her husband. would it be possible to somehow signify which questions contribute to sanity? One of his patients killed him and its your job to work out who did it! OR No, I don't think you're a subject. OR Yes, that is true. Considering the growing popularity of the genre among developers and players, weve decided to prepare the list of the 10 best interactive movie games to play in 2023. Why do you think you were temporarily insane? The game is played as a series of interviews. Why did you lie about Hannah being on life support? OR No, I don't think you're a killer. I don't know if they have found her. Its all very convincing but remember: if youre seeing things or hearing things that dont seem right, you can always watch the replay videos to check what really happened. Collect 50 insanity points in a single game, Collect 200 insanity points in a single game, Collect 250 insanity points in a single game, Collect 350 insanity points in a single game, Collect 400 insanity points in a single game. No, I don't want to see them. Make great-looking games even more visually pleasing. Why lie about Hannah being on life support? OR Yes, I have a twin. OR Encourage them. Marianna can accuse you of this, making reference to you "getting inside her" and it hurting. Yes, I want to see the footage. When did you travel back to the accident. From Day 2 onwards, there are some questions that are only valid for some games; these will give you hints to the killer. Why do you say the last session was negative? Why do you think Dekker has risen from the dead? A complete list of questions for each interview in each act, so you can achieve 'green' with each patient with zero hints. What have the police got to do with Marianna? This is full free flowing conversations if all questions used in order. OR Yes, I want to see them. Can you tell me anything else about Dr Dekker? You can use the questions listed below to get through the game without requiring hints, and the other achievements are all simple to achieve. Valve Corporation. Sarah Dekker was one of your first patients? The number of titles gets bigger and bigger with each passing month, so its definitely worth checking out some of the current deals. It was possible primarily due to the invention of the first random access video play devices, allowing viewers to jump to any chapter of the story in a non-linear order. Yes, what you're doing is wrong. he may have been dating certain patients. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, however, features a solid cast full of sincere, believable actors. OR Maybe you should stop drinking. If you're going into this game expecting that you'll likely be . she threatens to go to the police. Why didn't you have much time to think about it? We are DAvekki Studios, a new game studio run by myself, Lynda Cowles, and my husband Tim Cowles. Why did Dr Dekker set up Mindstretch Outreach? You take the role of a psychiatrist who has been called in to replace Dr Dekker, another psychiatrist who has been murdered. So I was wondering what endings you all got and what you think about them. OR Yes, I want you to lie down. What were the results of David's resurrection? You probably would have stopped Iris's death? User Score 6.3 Mixed or average reviews based on 12 Ratings How did Dr Dekker's dreams change at the end? Its characters can invoke a deep curiosity that only tunnelling down that rabbit hole will ever satisfy, and the multiple endings and randomly selected elements help flesh a game in a genre that's usually a "one and done" affair. Why do you like planning moves in advance? The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker is a disturbing psychological horror that dips its toes into a whole manner of subjects, and the characters you talk to are interesting and disturbing in. IF YOU TOLD HIM TO SHOW JESSICA THE PHOTOS IN ACT 4: How did the restraining order make you feel? Why was Dr Dekker in his office at night? The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, Dark Nights with Poe and Munro, The Shapeshifting Detective, Includes 6 items: The game released on June 5, 2018, for $12.99 . Why was the coffin heavy if there was no body in it? The path I went down ended with me picking Marianna who then tells me this story: that I used her to seduce dr. dekker and forced her to get him to the office where i killed him and she had footage of me pounding on her door of her apartment. The Alcoholic: Doctor Dekker himself, who kept vodka in his desk. No, the thing isn't Dekker. Why would Dr Dekker want to take away your gift? Do you know anything about the missing prescription pad? No, you weren't temporarily insane. Most of the useful information to help you is in the variable questions listed above in the walkthrough. OR No, I haven't been addicted. Note: keyshop integration on in not completed yet. How do you know it was Claire Castleford. Yes, I will watch you OR No, I won't watch you. Complete with an atmospheric soundtrack, The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker invites you to explore the shadow reality that your patients inhabit - a world full of paranormal strangeness and horrors that go bump in your head, where all you have to rely on is your own mind. The story is relatively simple, showing us the adventure of Dirk the Daring, a knight attempting to rescue Princess Daphne from the hands of the evil dragon Signe. Yes, I think you killed them. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. didn't see it anywhere on the list until act 4, so figured I'd let ya'll know. Besides being one of the best FMV games, Phantasmagoria is a classic pointnclick title with many places to explore and items to find. Adventure Gamers said it adds a few new twists and includes more dialogue,[10] and Rock Paper Shotgun wrote that it does not always elegantly succeed as meeting its goals. Why did he want you to forge his signature? Did Dr Dekker offer any theories about David? Get a solicitor. OR No, that wouldn't be funny. Another title that was created by Sam Barlow. They said the name of the game in the game!The insanity ending to The Infectious Madness of Dr Dekker. OR Yes, I want to go to the beach. Why did Dr Dekker think a patient was trying to kill him? Why do the police think you're dangerous? There aren't many puzzles and choices, meaning that it might be a perfect pick for less experienced gamers or people just wanting to follow the plot. He couldn't decide what to do with himself? What "certain conditions" was Dr Dekker interested in? Maybe holding your breath makes you blackout? What creatures were in Dr Dekker's dreams? And believe us, theres a lot to discover. Youre not listening. No, I haven't read the book. Do you know about the stolen prescription pad? 2023 Valve Corporation. What did Dr Dekker mean by "take care of it"? Did Dr Dekker have psychokinetic abilities? What were you doing on Valentine's night? Maybe someone should come with you to the beach? Theres just a lot of crazy flying around Doctor. Hilda is dying so the herbal compound isn't working. A few of us are probably familiar with titles such as Dragons Lair or Phantasmagoria. You can optionally keep asking questions until their status changes to green. Your choices will have consequences from the very start up to the end. Copyrights. Yes, that would be funny. Do you believe what Alderby said about chaos? All rights reserved. What happened in your last session with Dr Dekker? How many patients have died on your shifts? A copy was provided for review purposes. What do you know about Mindstretch Outreach? No, I don't think you're insane. No one said that FMV games couldnt be cartoons. The whole point of the game is to find who killed Dr Dekker. No, I don't think you should tell her about the photos. Includes 3 items: Even a couple of jump scares! 1600+ full screen HD videosSix suspects and five side-quest patientsRandom murder and multiple endings, "an immersive masterpiece with a stellar cast and a brilliant script which deserves to be lauded for all the right reasons. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker: Part 6 (Alterate Endings) - YouTube All of the possible ending scenes from The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. Type a question - patients reply in full screen video and have questions for you too but be careful what you say. Did you kill Dekker so you wouldn't have to suffer through repeat days? :D YouTube \u0026 Effects http://www.freesound.orgTAGS:doctor dekker endings,doctor dekker all endings,dekker,the infectious madness of doctor dekker,all doctor dekker endings,doctor dekker,doctor dekker ending,let's play,lets play,fmv,pcgamergirl,no commentary,the infectious madness of doctor dekker endings,the infectious madness of doctor dekker all endings,infectious madness of doctor dekker endings,dr dekker all endings,dr dekker endings,dr dekker ending,the infectious madness of doctor dekker ending,gameplay Although he threatened me with how he could teleport out of prison at his end. And with that, you've reached the end of our list. OR I want to be buried. Were there any clues left at the crime scene? Deja vu. What do you know about Dr Dekker's prescription pad? Beware that there are no pauses, slow-mo, or leaping the footage, as you have only fractures of seconds to decide. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Why wouldn't Dr Dekker remember it that way? All rights reserved. It masterfully combines the elements of a crime story and a heist movie. OR Yes, I am offering. What do you mean by frittering his time away? How was your date different to what you're used to? How could you have a funeral if David isn't dead? OR Yes, I think you should tell her about the photos. No, I didn't make it up. She spiked his alcohol with sleeping pills, which she could easily get from her job. Why did you set fire to Hannah's clothes? "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Launch Date Revealed", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Will, Erm, Infect Switch Next Spring", "In the mouth of madness The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker review", "FMV Mystery Doctor Dekker Is Messy, But Campy Fun", "Putting the Madness in The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, Available Now on Xbox One", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker for PC Reviews", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker for PlayStation 4 Reviews", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker for Switch Reviews", "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Review",, Video games developed in the United Kingdom, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters, Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 08:12. You can collect insanity points by selecting answers to questions that make you seem crazy (the craziest options aren't always listed in this walkthrough). Why did Dr Dekker refuse to talk about his mum? Your patients may accuse you of bizarre crimes. Why do you feel sad? What did Dr Dekker tell you to set fire to? OR Yes, you should kill David. You thought Dr Dekker would commit suicide? Or is it not just one question? Yes, I think Marianna likes you. OR We discourage them. The traumatic events oitsr past are dragged out to the daylight, and it's now up to the player to uncover the truth. Powered by Steam, a registered trademark of Valve Corporation. No, I don't think you should go out with him. The final achievement is collected by getting Nathan to sing a song in Act 5 - this is indicated in the walkthrough below. OR No, you shouldn't be locked up. They have been brought in to find out why the previous Doctor Dekker was murdered and they're tasked with interviewing Doctor Dekker's many previous patients.
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