Use of this system and its services is strictly . The enrollment decrease at TUSD is slowing, according to numbers released by the district on Wednesday. USP Section V.F(1)(j), Appendix 57 Communication Relating to Office of English Language Acquisition Services ("OELAS") Extensions. Tucson Unified School District filed its 2018-19 Annual Report on October 1, 2019. USP Section V.F(1)(a), Appendix 51 Quality of Education rReport Containing Job Descriptions And Requirements. Enrollment Welcome to Torrance Unified! Those numbers put Rincon among the list of schools with the highest number of ELL students, but not at the top. Enrollment & Registration; Transcripts and Records; Campus Map; Permits & Open Enrollment; Discipline Matrix; Warrior Ways Handbook; Awards & Accolades; . 336. Tucson Unified School District 1010 E Tenth St, Tucson, AZ 85719 | 520-225-6000 ALE Supplementary Goals Summary, V-4 Self-Contained Students and Placement Status SY2019-20, V-5 GATE Outreach Events Calendar SY2019-20, V-6 GATE Testing and Qualified Students SY2019-20, V-7 GATE Train-the-Trainers SY2019-20 Professional Development, V-8 GATE Professional Development Training SY2019-20, V-9 V.G.1.j Certificated Staff with ALE Credentials, V-11 AP Summer Boot Camp Virtual Learning Plan, V-12 AP Desert Summer Institute Report July 2020, V-13 AVID Professional Development SY2019-20, V-15 V.G.1.g UHS Admissions SY2019-20 Freshman Class, V-17 UHS Multicultural Scholars Dinner Invitation, V-18 Statement to Education Committee SY2019-20, V-19 Language Learning Symposium 2020 Schedule, V-20 Administrators Professional Development, V-21 ALP Monitoring Walkthrough Instrument, V-23 LAD DL Itinerant Teacher Assignments SY2019-20, V-24 UA Cohort TUSD TWDL PD Schedule SY2019-20, V-25 TWDL Make the Move Pamphlet SY2020-21, V-26 TUSD Parent Dual Language Resource Website, V-28 Ex Ed Referrals and Qualifications SY2019-20, V-29 V.G.1.u Students Receiving Ex Ed Services SY2019-20, V-30 Appendix V - 30, Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring, V-31 Support Strategies Combined Narrative, V-32 English Language Learner (ELL) Support Strategies, V-34 AP Language and Composition CR Syllabus, V-35 Multi-Year Plan for Professional Learning Culturally Responsive Practices, V-38 ILA I AGENDA 11.14.19 CR Danielson Calibration, V-39 Benchmark Advance Multicultural Department Recommendations and Adaptations, V-42 Professional Development Agenda for Multicultural Science Curriculum Development 2019, V-43 PreK-2 Elementary Book Study Flyer 2020, V-44 K-8 Multicultural Social Studies-Job Embedded Professional Development Plan, V-45 Teaching Controversial Social Political Issues Using Multicultural Texts - A Comparative Literature Pedagogy, V-46 Multicultural Literacy Event - Roskruge, V-47 Arab American Identity Professional Development Flyer, V-48 Tohono Oodham Professional Development Flyer, V-49 Asian American Identity Professional Development Flyer, V-50 African Diaspora Professional Development Flyer, V-67 MASSD College Mentoring Collaborations SY2019-20, V-68 MASSD 2019-2020 Parent Quarterly Sessions, V-69 MASSD Program Specialist Assignments SY2019-20, V-70 MASSD Mentoring Collaborations SY2019-20, V-71 MASSD Student Equity Request for Services Form SY2019-20, V-73 STARS ADE Documentation Requirements Ppt, V-74 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, V-75 V.G.1.b (1) Appendix E - AAC SY2019-20, V-76 V.G.1.b (3) Appendix G - UHS SY2019-20, V-77 V.G.1.d Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2019-20, V-78 V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, V-80 V.G.1.l Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V-84 Appendix V - 84, V.G.1.o Retention Four Year, V-85 V.G.1.p (1) College Mentoring (AASSD), V-86 V.G.1.p (2) College Mentoring (MASSD), V-87 V.G.1.q AASSD - MASSD Academic Interventions, V-88 V.G.1.r AASSD - MASSD Academic Intervention Teams, VI-1 Principal, Teacher, and Student Audit Rubric, VI-9 VI.G.1.d (1) Student Code of Conduct SY2019-20, VI-11 Code Information and Training Sessions, VI-12 Sample Monthly Discipline Report - Hollinger K-8, VI-14 Restorative Practice Training Schedule, VI-21 VI.G.1.a Appeals to Hearing Officers and Governing Board, VI-22 VI.G.1.c Corrective Action Plans SY2019-20, VI-23 VI.G.1.d (2) Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), VI-24 VI.G.1.d (3) What Works - Restorative Practices, PBIS, and Student Code of Conduct, VI-25 VI.G.1.e Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2019-20, VI-26 VI.G.1.f Site-level Analyses Samples, VI-27 2019-20 Discipline School Inventory, VII-1 Family and Community Outreach Activities SY2019-20, VII-4 FRC Schedule of Workshops and Events-English and Spanish Examples, VII-7 Talk it Out Poster English and Spanish, VII-8 Summary of Talk It Out Services SY2019-20, VII-10 Guidelines for Family and Community Engagement at School Sites SY2019-20, VII-11 School Site Family Engagement Contacts SY2019-20, VII-12 FACE Trainings and Supports for School Site Staff SY2019-20, VII-13 Parent Leadership Having a Say in TUSD Decision Making, VII-14 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2019-20, VII-15 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, VII-16 VII.E.1.d (1) Family Engagement Staff Survey Results SY2019-20, VII-17 VII.E.1.d (2) Family Engagement Parent Survey Results SY2019-20, VIII-2 Extracurricular Funding and Participation, VIII-3 VIII.C.1 Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities, VIII-4 Extracurricular Participation by Activity at 10 selected sites, VIII-5 Funding Sources for Extracurricular Activities, VIII-6 21st CCLC Grant Participation SY2019-20, IX-2 IX.C.1.a (1) Facilities Condition Index SY2019-20, IX-3 IX.C.1.a (2) Educational Suitability Score SY2019-20, IX-4 IX.C.1.a (3) Final TCI Report SY2019-20, IX-5 IX.C.1.b TCI Summary of Results SY2019-20, X-1 USP Budget Development Process 2020-21, X-2 Email SEB to SMP re FY19 Audit Report, X-3 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2018-2019 Annual Report, II-2 II.K.1.f School Magnet Plans (13) SY2018-19, II-3 Magnet Related Plans, Initiatives, and Activities, II-4 Sample End-of-Year Report - Mansfeld MS SY2018-19, II-5 Magnet SIAP Planning Guide SY2019-20, II-6 Magnet SIAP Planning Template SY2019-20, II-7 II.K.1.m (2) Magnet Marketing Report SY2018-19, II-8 Sample Recruitment Log Borton ES SY2018-19, II-9 Awards, Grants, and Recognitions SY2018-19, II-10 Magnet Theme Visibility Summary SY2018-19, II-11 Magnet Theme Visibility Scores SY2018-19, II-13 Magnet School Achievement Data SY2018-19, II-19 II.K.1.a TUSD Enrollment-40th day SY2018-19, II-20 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY2018-19, II-25 II.K.1.n Policies and Procedures Amendments for SY2018-19, II-26 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, III-3 Ridership by Program 5-year Comparison, III-4 Activity Bus List by School SY2018-19, IV-9 IV.K.1.g (4) Site Administrative Teams SY2018-19, IV-11 IV.K.1.g (2) Teacher Diversity Plan, IV-13 IV.K.1.g (5) Assignment of First Year Teachers, IV-16 IV.K.1.h First-Year Teachers Plan SY2018-19, IV-17 New Teacher and Administrator Induction Agenda, IV-18 IV.K.1.n (1) Description of Mentor Program, IV-19 IV.K.1.n (2) Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, IV-20 IV.K.1.o TSP (Teacher Support Plan), IV-22 Professional Learning Communities Guide, IV-23 Taking Action, Enhancing Learning for All, IV-24 PLC-Guiding Coalition Workshop Schedule, IV-25 Screenshot of PLC Learning Series on YouTube, IV-27 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-28 IV.K.1.b Milliman Arizona Compensation Survey 2018, IV-29 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2018-19, IV-30 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2018-19, IV-31 IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-33 IV.K.1.e (2) Hiring Process Principals 1-14-19, IV-34 IV.K.1.e (3) Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, IV-35 IV.K.1.g (3) Assignment of Certificated Staff, IV-36 IV.K.1.m (1) Administrator Evaluation, IV-37 IV.K.1.m (2) Danielson Teachers Rubric, IV-38 IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score) for SY2018-19, V-2 V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2018-19, V-3 V.G.1.c ALE Supplementary Goals Summary, V-4 Self-Contained Students and Placement Status, V-5 2018-19 GATE Outreach Events Calendar, V-6 GATE Testing and Qualified Students 2018-19, V-7 Train-the-Trainer Professional Development, V-11 AP Desert Summer Institute Report July 2019, V-13 V.G.1.g UHS Admissions 2019-20 Freshman Class, V-15 UHS Multicultural Scholars Dinner Invitation, V-17 Parent Association BOOST Presentation, V-19 Statement to Education Committee SY2018-19, V-20 Language Learning Symposium 2019 Schedule, V-23 DL Itinerant Teacher Assignments SY18-19, V-26 MTM Bilingual UA Cohort Endorsement Opportunity Notice, V-27 TUSD Parent Dual Language Resource Website, V-30 Ex Ed Referrals and Qualification SY2018-19, V-31 V.G.1.u Students Receiving Ex Ed Services SY2018-19, V-32 Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring, V-33 Support Strategies Combined Narrative, V-34 English Language Learner (ELL) Support Strategies, V-36 CRC student enrollment by school type, V-38 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, V-39 2018-19 Monitoring Committee Schedule, V-40 2019 National Panel of Experts on Culturally Responsive Education, V-41 Multicultural Science Curriculum Recommendations, V-42 Multicultural Social Studies Framework, V-43 Professional Development Agenda for Multicultural Science 2018, V-46 Social Studies Job Embedded Professional Development Schedule, V-47 Teaching Controversial Texts: A Comparative Literature Pedagogy, V-48 District Wide - Culture and Climate Professional Development Calendar, V-49 Multicultural Symposium Event Program, V-50 V.G.1.p (1) College Mentoring (AASSD), V-62 Student Equity Request for Services Form1819, V-64 V.G.1.p (2) College Mentoring (MASSD), V-65 Adelante Conference Program SY2018-19, V-66 College Academy for Parents Attendance SY2018-19, V-67 UA CRiA Youth Symposium Program SY2018-19, V-68 MASSD Quarterly Event Flyers SY2018-19, V-69 MASSD Program Specialist Assignments SY2018-19, V-70 MASSD College Mentoring Collaborations SY2018-19, V-72 New Teacher and Administrator Induction Agenda, V-73 Identifying SPARKS in Educator Evaluation, V-79 Integrate ELL Ideas ELD Curriculum Web Page, V-80 Focus Group Survey Results for ELL Integration, V-83 USP TUSD LAD Grouping Exceptions SY2018-19, V-84 STARS ADE Documentation Requirements Ppt, V-85 V.G.1.b (1) Appendix E - AAC SY2018-19, V-86 V.G.1.b (3) Appendix G - UHS SY2018-19, V-87 V.G.1.d Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2018-19, V-88 V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, V-90 V.G.1.h Description of Changes Made to ALE Programs, V-91 V.G.1.k OELAS Extension and HB 2435 Timeline, V-92 V.G.1.l Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V-97 V.G.1.q AASSD - MASSD Academic Interventions SY2018-19, V-98 V.G.1.r AASSD - MASSD Academic Intervention Teams SY2018-19, VI-1 Principal, Teacher, and Student Audit Rubrics, VI-13 VI.G.1.d (1) Student Code of Conduct SY2018-19 (7 major languages), VI-19 January Monthly Report Presentation, VI-21 EndofYear Discipline Report Presentation, VI-28 VI.G.1.a Appeals to Hearing Officers and Governing Board, VI-30 VI.G.1.c Corrective Action Plans SY2018-19, VI-31 VI.G.1.d (2) Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), VI-32 VI.G.1.d (3) What Works - Restorative Practices, PBIS and Student Code of Conduct, VI-33 VI.G.1.e Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2018-19, VI-34 VI.G.1.f Site-level Analyses Samples, VII-1 Family and Community Outreach Activities SY2018-19, VII-3 FRC Schedule of Workshops and Events-English and Spanish Examples, VII-4 Family Resource Centers Tracking Summary SY2018-19, VII-7 Guidelines for Family and Community Engagement at School Sites SY2018-19, VII-8 School Site Family Engagement Contacts SY2018-19, VII-9 Family Engagement Trainings and Supports for School Site Personnel SY2018-19, VII-10 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2018-19, VII-11 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, VII-12 VII.E.1.c Policies and Procedures Amendments, VII-13 VII.E.1.d Scope and Effectiveness Analysis, VIII-1 Principal Review Process for Extracurricular, VIII-2 VII.C.1 Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities, VIII-3 Extracurricular Student Participation Survey 2018-19, VIII-4 Funding Sources for Extracurricular Activities, IX-2 IX.C.1.a (1) Facilities Condition Index SY2018-19, IX-3 IX.C.1.a (2) Educational Suitability Score SY2018-19, IX-4 IX.C.1.a (3) Final TCI Report SY2018-19, IX-5 IX.C.1.b TCI Summary of Results SY2018-19, IX-7 TTL Monthly Meeting Dates and Topics SY2018-19, X-1 Budget Development Process for the SY2019-20 USP Budget, X-2 Email MT to SMP re 2017-18 Audit Report, X-4 X.A.5.a.ii Changes Made to EBAS system to view recommendations made for SY2018-19, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2017-2018 Annual Report, II-2 II.K.1.f School Magnet Plans (13) SY2017-18, II-3 Sample End-of-Year Report - Mansfeld MS SY2017-18, II-4 II.K.1.m (2) Magnet Marketing Report SY2017-18, II-5 Sample Recruitment Log - Borton ES SY2017-18, II-6 School Level Awards, Grants, and Recognitions SY2017-18, II-7 Magnet Theme Visibility Summary and Scores SY2017-18, II-8 Magnet Schools Within the USP Integration Range, II-9 Reducing Racial Concentration at Magnet Schools, II-10 Progress Towards Integration Goals for SY2017-18 MSPs, II-13 Magnet School Achievement Data SY2017-18, II-14 Magnet and Transition Family Engagement SY2017-18, II-16 Magnet IAP Planning Guide SY2017-18, II-17 Magnet SIAP Planning Template SY2018-19, II-18 New Magnet Evaluation Timeline and Description, II-20 II.K.1.i (1) Catalog of Schools - English, II-22 Express Shuttle Online Banner, Posters, and Brochures, II-25 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY2017-18, II-26 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-27 II.K.1.d Marzano Evaluation Drachman Montessori, II-29 II.K.1.j School Choice Applications (Major Languages), II-31 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, II-32 Magnet Related Plans, Initiatives, and Activities, III-4 Activity Bus List by School SY2017-18, IV-1 Superintendent Mandated USP Position Memo 2.16.18, IV-3 IV.K.1.k Superintendent Focus Groups Findings, IV-6 IV.K.1.e List of Interview Instruments, IV-8 Site Certificated Staff and Administrators SY2017-18, IV-9 IV.K.1.g (4) Site Administrative Teams SY SY2017-18, IV-20 Targeted Support Plans and Plans for Improvement 2 years, IV-21 Professional Learning Communities Guide, IV-24 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-25 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2017-18, IV-26 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2017-18, IV-27 IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-28 IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfer, IV-29 IV.K.1.g (3) Assignment of all Certificated Staff, IV-30 IV.K.1.g (7) Teacher Diversity Gap Analysis, IV-32 IV.K.1.m (2) Teacher Evaluation Explanation, IV-33 IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score), IV-35 IV.K.1.p Leadership Prep Academy rev4.20.18, V-1 V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2017-18, V-9 Students Qualifying for GATE Services, V-10 GATE Prof Dev SY2016-17 and SY2017-18, V-11 V.G.1.j Certificated Staff with ALE Credentials, V-13 AP Tests and Exam Scores 3 Year Comparison, V-15 V.G.1.g UHS Admissions SY2018-19 Freshman Class, V-25 Language Learning Symposium PPT 2018, V-27 Language Learning Symposium Secondary Agenda 2018, V-29 DL Itinerant Teacher Assignments SY2017-18, V-30 ALP Monitoring Walkthrough Instrument, V-34 TUSD TWDL Parent Presentation SY2017-18, V-37 Ex Ed Referrals and Qualifications SY2017-18, V-38 V.G.1.u Students Receiving Ex Ed Services SY2017-18, V-39 Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring, V-40 Districtwide Student Support Strategies, V-41 High School Student Support Strategies, V-42 Middle and Elementary Grade Student Support Strategies, V-43 English Language Learner (ELL) Student Support Strategies, V-49 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, V-51 National Panel on Culturally Responsive Curriculum, V-52 Transformative Multicultural Science Education, V-53 MC Inclusive Science Teaching Recommendations, V-54 Native American Teacher's Culture Kit Guide, V-56 Agenda Science Facilitators Nov 2017, V-58 Bridges and Borders Sample Workshop PPT, V-60 V.G.1.p (1) College Mentoring (AASSD), V-77 V.G.1.p (2) College Mentoring (MASSD), V-78 Adelante Conference Program SY2017-18, V-79 College Academy for Parents Attendance SY2017-18, V-80 UA CRiA Youth Symposium Program SY2017-18, V-82 MASSD Site-Based Parent Quarterly Events SY2017-18, V-83 MASSD Districtwide Parent Quarterly Events SY2017-18, V-84 MASSD Quarterly Event Materials SY2017-18, V-85 MASSD Student Success Specialists Assignments SY2017-18, V-86 MASSD Technolochicas Summer Enrichment SY2017-18, V-94 Integrate ELL Students Activity Slide, V-100 ADE Documentation Requirements Presentation SY2017-18, V-101 Monitoring Committee Members and Schedule, V-102 V.G.1.b (1) Appendix E - AAC SY1718, V-103 V.G.1.b (3) Appendix G UHS SY1718, V-104 V.G.1.d Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2017-18, V-105 V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, V-108 V.G.1.k OELAS Extension and HB 2435 Timeline, V-109 V.G.1.l Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V-110 V.G.1.m (1) AASSD Advertisement Materials, V-111 V.G.1.n Amendments or Revisions Report, V-114 V.G.1.r (1) Academic Intervention Teams, V-117 V.G.1.m (2) MASSD Advertisement Materials, V-119 V.G.1.c ALE Supplementary Goals Summary - Revised, VI-11 CDRC Monthly Presentation - Nov 2017, VI-12 CDRC Quarterly Presentation - Apr 2018, VI-16 2017-18 Support Action Plans (SAPS), VI-17 Discipline Support Action Plan Tracking Chart SY2017-18, VI-20 Clarity Training Presentation 032618, VI-23 VI.G.1.c Corrective Action Plans (3rd Qtr.
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