Investigative and prosecutive strategies were explored among the many FBI offices that had experienced SHAC activity, the corresponding United States Attorneys= Offices, FBIHQ, and the Department of Justice. Hawala is a _____. The statement "one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter" ______. Animal Liberation Front Retaliates for the Murder of Activist Regan Russell, North American Animal Liberation Press Office, July 12, 2020. Thus members of a group, particularly members of a clandestine group, have an incentive not to lag behind and even to prove themselves the most fervent members of the group. Investigation of SHAC-related criminal activity has revealed a pattern of vandalism, arsons, animal releases, harassing telephone calls, threats and attempts to disrupt business activities of not only HLS, but of all companies doing business with HLS. While the SHAC organization attempts to portray itself as an information service or even a media outlet, it is closely aligned with the ALF and its pattern of criminal activities many of which are taken against companies and individuals selected as targets by SHAC and posted on SHACs Internet website. These trends include a greater frequency of attacks in more populated areas, as seen in Southern California, Michigan and elsewhere, and the increased targeting of Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and new construction of homes or commercial properties in previously undeveloped areas by extremists combating what they describe as urban sprawl. Eco-terrorists have adopted these new targets due to their perceived negative environmental impact. It is the FBI's assessment at this time that there is a limited threat of a coordinated terrorist attack in the United States from Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Jihad, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Such designations have often had a significant effect on the Which clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym ALF? In solidarity with those caught in the terrorist spotlight and spending decades of their life behind bars for victimless crimes. Guedes-Neto, Joo Victor. Regan, like Jill or Mike, fell martyr in the fight for animal liberation. Violators can be fined or imprisoned for not more than three years, with enhanced penalties if death or serious bodily injury result. which clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym alf? ALF Targets Ice Cream Store in Denver (USA), North American Animal Liberation Press Office, November 2, 2019. Third Edition. It is comprised of anonymous, autonomous cells bound by a central ideology to halt animal testing and promote animal rights. The morning of the attack, Coronado also vandalized an MSU-run mink farm near campus. In the 1990s and 2000s, groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Earth Liberation Front (ELF) have been responsible for many terrorist attacks against property, but all have been non-lethal and non-injurious. March 7, 2009: Unknown individuals firebomb the car of University of California, Los Angeles professor David Jentsch outside his home because of his animal research. Crime & Delinquency, First Published September 2, 2018. * Testimony of Dale L. Watson, Executive Assistant Director, Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Division Federal Bureau of Investigation, Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington, DC, FBI, February 6, 2002, The group originated in the United Kingdom but has a presence in 40 countries around the world. Unlocked . These charges pertained to a series of arsons and attempted arsons of new home construction sites in Long Island, NY, which according to McIntyre were committed in sympathy of the ELF movement. The U.S. ALF branch, as well as other animal rights extremist groups, continue operations today. Participants state it is a modern-day Underground Railroad, removing animals from laboratories and farms, destroy A short summary of this paper. Free. It is the first arson attack claimed by ALF. delafield-wisconsin/. June 1991: ALF claimed responsibility for arson attacks on an Oregon State University mink research farm near Corvallis, Oregon, and the Northwest Farm Food Cooperative in Edmonds, Washington, which produces feed for mink farms. Alt-Right. what did members of Aum Shinrikyo, a new-age cult, release into the Tokyo subway system, killing 12 and sending 5,000 to the hospital? Most popular Extremist abbreviations updated in April 2022. 1 >>>Table of Contents DOING THE DAM THING. These sources consist of people working in a variety of roles within the intelligence community.Examples include the quintessential spy (known by professionals as an asset or agent), who collects intelligence; couriers and related personnel, who handle an While some consider Antifa a sub-set of anarchists, adherents frequently blend anarchist and communist views. Holy Rosary School Lawrence, Ma, In conclusion, the FBI has made the prevention and investigation of animal rights extremists/eco-terrorism matters a domestic terrorism investigative priority. Which Clandestine, Decentralized Extremist Group Has The Acronym Alf by A super-intelligent, fast-talking monster, ALF (the Alien Life Form) crash-landed in a Southern California garage. In fact, SHAC members are typically quite conversant in the elements of the federal statute and appear to engage in conduct that, while criminal (such as trespassing, vandalism or other property damage), would not result in a significant, particularly federal, prosecution. In December 2006, two of the conspirators, Chelsea Dawn Gerlach and Stanislas Gregory Meyerhoff, pleaded guilty to federal arson charges. * threat-or-political-ploy/.x, Individuals affiliated with the ALF ideology continue to organize protests and carry out acts of sabotage and vandalism of animal research, agriculture, and hunting facilities, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage. Webwhich clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym alf?maryland lacrosse camps 2021 The commitment to addressing the threat posed by animal rights extremists and eco-terrorism movements can also be demonstrated by the FBIs proactive information campaign. Activists are believed to engage in significant intelligence gathering against potential targets, including the review of industry/trade publications and other open source information, photographic/video surveillance of potential targets, obtaining proprietary or confidential information about intended victim companies through theft or from sympathetic insiders, and posting details about potential targets on the Internet for other extremists to use as they see fit. WebThe Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a far-left extremist group focused on animal rights. Domestic terrorism involves acts of violence that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state, committed by individuals or groups without any foreign direction, and appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, or influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. The ALF, established in Great Britain in the mid-1970s, is a loosely organized extremist movement committed to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals. Ultimately, prosecution under the Hobbs Act (Title 18 U.S.C., Section 1951) was the agreed upon strategy. It is believed these trends will persist, as extremists within the environmental movement continue to fight what they perceive as greater encroachment of human society on the natural world. William Cottrell was arrested by the FBIs Los Angeles Division on March 9, 2004, and indicted by a federal grand jury on March 16, 2004 for the role he played in a series of arsons and vandalisms of more than 120 sport utility vehicles that occurred on August 22, 2003 in West Covina, California. About; Blog; FAQ; Contacts View Notes - Week1_FlashCards from CRMJ 450 at DeVry University, Fremont. Question 17 options: al-Qaida Liberation Front Animal Liberation Front Anti-Liberation Front Anarchists Liberation Front A1: Antifa is a contraction of the phrase anti-fascist.. 1. "I am" Lone Wolf "Animal Liberation Front" December 2010 The April 30, 2010, at 3:30 factory burned early sheepskin Denver, Colorado to ashes. The FBI has developed a strong response to the threats posed by domestic and international terrorism. These incendiary devices are often constructed based upon instructions found on the ALF/ELF websites. These task forces are particularly well-suited to respond to terrorism because they combine the national and international investigative resources of the FBI with the expertise of other federal law enforcement and local law enforcement agencies. The European Union has two lists of designated terrorist organisations that provide for different sanctions for the two groups. a group ark skiff tractor beam controls tabs legacy units locations tank which clandestine, decentralized By now, the ACLUs retreat from the First Amendment is well documented . Webdesignation GSPC was designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on 27 March 2002; the Department of State amended the GSPC designation on 20 February 2008, after the In general, the animal rights and environmental extremist movements have adhered to this mandate. The ecoterrorist. Vit Zmei. They exhibit remarkable levels of security awareness when engaged in criminal activity, and are typically very knowledgeable of law enforcement techniques and the limitations imposed on law enforcement. We all swim in a sea of "conventional wisdom" [This is a re-posting of something from years ago.] March 11, 1997: Douglas Joshua Ellerman set fire to the Fur Breeders Agricultural co-op in Sandy, Utah. ALF Defaces McDonalds in Delafield, Wisconsin, North American Animal Liberation Press Office, October 12, 2019. Members of this governing body, both in the House and Senate as well as those who hold positions in the executive branch, constitute the largest group of terrorists and terrorist representatives currently threatening life on this planet.. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Between fiscal years 1993 and 2003, the number of special agents dedicated to the FBI's counterterrorism programs more than doubled. In a cell structure, each of the small group of people in the cell know the identities of the people only in QUESTION 21. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the United States. *Alleen Brown, The Green Scare, Intercept, March 23, 2019,; Juliet Eilperin, As eco-terrorism wanes, governments still target activist groups seen as threat, Washington Post, March 10, 2012,; Testimony of Dale L. Watson, Executive Assistant Director, Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Division Federal Bureau of Investigation, Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington, DC, FBI, February 6, 2002, In 2009, an ALF spokesman said some members had turned to violence following the failure of years of peaceful campaigning. The ALF/ELF criminal incidents often involve pre-activity surveillance and well-planned operations. The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. Internationally, the best example of this trend involves Great Britains Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) organization, a more organized sub-group within the extremist animal rights movement. * Daniel B. Posted on April 16, 2005. Emerging evidence reveals that Jiang himself orchestrated the persecution, jealous of the practices popularity and growing numbers, among other reasons. The ALF was considered a terrorist group, whose purpose was to bring about social and political change through the use of force and violence. February 28, 1992: Rodney Coronado broke into the Michigan State University (MSU) office of researcher Richard Aulerich in East Lansing, Michigan, and set off a pre-dawn firebomb. ALF emerged in England in the 1970s. Despite the continued focus on international terrorism, we in the FBI remain fully cognizant of the full range of threats that confront the United States. However, as a result of the Supreme Courts 2003 decision in Scheidler v. National Organization for Women , the use of the Hobbs Act in prosecuting SHAC was removed as an option. In order to address the overall problem presented by SHAC, and to prevent it from engaging in actions intending to shut down a legitimate business enterprise, the FBI initiated a coordinated investigative approach beginning in 2001. The first list is copied from the United Nations, and the second is an autonomous list. the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) is an example of what type of organization? Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is one such company. WebWhich clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym ALF? While many libertarian communists have significant differences with the author's politics, it is reproduced here as an important expose of how far some anarchists were willing to embrace a completely reactionary form of misanthropic and Animal Liberation Front. We do not want your vegan capitalism. Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs) are used as a vehicle for delivering FBI intelligence information to members of the Intelligence, Policy and Law Enforcement Communities. incorruptible body bible verse About; Location; Menu; FAQ; Contacts Throughout thirty-eight years under examination, the BOM, ALF and ELF have further deterritorialized and led to the formation of at least three hundred similarly-styled groups. An animal enterprise includes commercial or academic entities that use animals for food or fiber production, research, or testing, as well as zoos, circuses and other lawful animal competitive events. * The group originated in the United Kingdom but has a presence in 40 countries around the world. Violent Extremism, AREInfo, accessed August 5, 2020. With government estimates of as many as 100 million practicing, the regime banned Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, suddenly casting millions as criminals. During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the domestic terrorist threat. The harassment is designed to inflict increasing economic damage until the company is forced to cancel its contracts or business relationship with the original target. The NAALPO issued ALFs claim of responsibility. Among others, these companies include Bank of America, Marsh USA, Deloitte and Touche, and HLS investors, such as Stephens, Inc., which completely terminated their business relationships with HLS as a result of SHAC activities. contains some random words for machine learning natural language processing Unlock to view answer. The secondary or tertiary targeting of companies which have business or financial relationships with the target company typically takes the form of fanatical harassment of employees and interference with normal business operations, under the threat of escalating tactics or even violence. A clandestine cell system is a method for organizing a group of people (such as resistance fighters, sleeper agents, mobsters, or terrorists) such that such people can more effectively resist penetration by an opposing organization (such as law enforcement or military units).. ALFs core ideology is built on four basic tenets: free animals from abuse; damage those profiting from the suffering and exploitation of animals; expose hidden cruelties against animals through non-violent actions and freeing of animals; and take all necessary precautions to prevent hard to animals or humans. Alf Beauman (PI) Read more. The attack led to the loss of more than 30 years of research for Aulerich and caused more than $1 million in damage. Tor. RT @EU_ISS: | Our new Brief explores security risks for #EU emanating from #Afghanistan by assessing the evolving Islamist terrorism thr, Upcoming in-person event in London: "Maintaining Momentum: Implementing the Prevent Review Against Future Threats, Despite the ongoing jihadist insurgency in Africas Sahel region, junta governments in Mali and Burkina Faso have p, 33 soldiers dead and 12 injured in an attack on a military detachment in eastern Burkina Faso, the latest in a stri, #BurkinaFaso has been locked in a fight against the jihadist insurgency for years, which culminated last year in th Aquarium Gravel Cleaner, Electric, Share this on it is believed that the most destruction and disruption from a dirty bomb detonation will be caused by: certain experts believe that because of the difficulty in obtaining materials, the least likely type of terrorism to occur is: a group formed in the refugee camps in the West Bank of Israel, a militant Palestinian Islamic movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Executive Assistant Director, Science and Technology Branch, Statement Before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, The Need for a Consolidated FBI Headquarters Building, Assistant Director, Facilities and Finance Division, Statement Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, Encryption Tightrope: Balancing Americans Security and Privacy, Statement Before the House Judiciary Committee, Statement Before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, Law Enforcement Implications of Illegal Online Gambling, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, Statement Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Statement Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Worldwide Threats and Homeland Security Challenges, Statement Before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Statement Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Joint Statement with Department of Justice Associate Deputy Attorney General Carlos Uriarte Before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, international policy organization formed to combat the growing threat from extremist ideologies. Georgette Magnani Wikipedia, Take your cash grab and shove it. *University of Iowa Claims $450K Loss in November ALF Raid, North American Animal Liberation Press Office, March 18, 2005,; Associated Press, Investigation into 2004 UI lab attack apparently stalls, Gazette, November 30, 2010, In December 2016, ALF members vandalized a fur store in Ontario, Canada. 4. The attack destroyed a barn and its contents. Woodland Acres Jacksonville, Fl Crime, Radicalization, broadly defined, is the process whereby an individual or group adopts extremist beliefs and behaviors. Week 1 Flash Cards Definition: A clandestine terrorist group that has claimed credit for The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have hailed the development of a completely new federal branchthe Department of Homeland Security. substancial - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. In the United States, ALF has claimed responsibility for arson and vandalism against animal research facilities, farms, restaurants, and other businesses the group considers harmful to animals. The ALF/ELF extremists consistently use improvised incendiary devices equipped with crude but effective timing mechanisms. Thcsc officers should have broad executive cxpcrience, military or civilian, and Exceptional clualifications of character, judgment, and ability. Webmanhattan scope loginmaryland lacrosse camps 2021. manhattan scope login italian prayer for protection Animal Liberation Front. Cash is currently on trial in federal court for charges of providing material support to terrorism. R.J. Wolcott, Ecoterrorist admits firebombing MSU 25 years ago, Detroit Free Press, February 23, 2017, Christopher Schwarzen and Jennifer Sullivan, 10,000 mink released from Sultan farm cages,. 1. c. nuclear terrorism. which clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym ALF? Does Trader Joe's Sell Batteries, Now you will all reap what you have sown. Since its establishment in March 2003, the Domestic Collection, Evaluation and Dissemination Unit has issued 20 IIRs to the field relating specifically to animal rights/eco-terrorism activity. Pacific Northwest Environmental Extremist and Arsonist Pleads Guilty, U.S. Department of Justice, April 21, 2022. In the Scheidler decision, the Supreme Court held that, while activists may be found to illegally interfere with, disrupt or even deprive victims of the free exercise of their property rights or their right to conduct business, this activity does not constitute extortion as defined under the Hobbs Act unless the activists seek to obtain or convert the victims property for their own use. 14 A sociologist examining how networks support social movements has identified three ways in which they do this. Animal Liberation Front, PetSide, accessed August 5, 2020. After his release in 1992, Lee began speaking publicly on his own about animal rights and eventually veganism. WebThe Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a far-left extremist group focused on animal rights. Explore data from the Global Terrorism Database to see how documented violent extremist attacks have increased in the U.S., U.K. and Germany 1. Twitter Facebook Google+. There have also been internicine feuds, further weakening the The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is an international, leaderless, decentralized political and social resistance movement that engages in and promotes non-violent direct action in protest against incidents of animal cruelty. London, Group. ALF is present in at least 40 countries around the world.
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